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There are 9 words beginning with ALPE

ALPEENalpeen n. (Ireland) A thick, knotted club or shillelagh.
ALPEEN n. (Irish) a cudgel.
ALPEENSalpeens n. Plural of alpeen.
ALPEEN n. (Irish) a cudgel.
ALPENGLOWalpenglow n. A rosy or reddish glow seen during sunset or sunrise on the summits of mountains, especially snow-covered…
ALPENGLOW n. a reddish glow seen near sunset or sunrise on the summits of mountains.
ALPENHORNalpenhorn n. Alternative spelling of alphorn.
ALPENHORN n. (German) a long powerful horn made of wood, used by Alpine cowherds, also ALPHORN.
ALPENGLOWSalpenglows n. Plural of alpenglow.
ALPENGLOW n. a reddish glow seen near sunset or sunrise on the summits of mountains.
ALPENHORNSalpenhorns n. Plural of alpenhorn.
ALPENHORN n. (German) a long powerful horn made of wood, used by Alpine cowherds, also ALPHORN.
ALPENSTOCKalpenstock n. A stout adjustable walking stick with a metal point, used by mountain climbers and walkers in hilly or uneven terrain.
ALPENSTOCK n. (German) a long staff, pointed with iron, used in climbing the Alps.
ALPESTRINEalpestrine adj. Synonym of subalpine.
Alpestrine adj. Pertaining to the Alps, or other high mountains.
Alpestrine adj. (Botany) Growing on the elevated parts of mountains, but not above the tree-line; subalpine.
ALPENSTOCKSalpenstocks n. Plural of alpenstock.
ALPENSTOCK n. (German) a long staff, pointed with iron, used in climbing the Alps.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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