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There are 20 words beginning with ALCA

ALCADEalcade n. Alternative form of alcaide.
ALCADE n. (Arabic) the mayor of a Spanish town, also ALCALDE.
ALCAICAlcaic adj. Pertaining to Alcaeus, a Greek lyric poet of around 600 BC; especially, of a verse meter in a four-line…
Alcaic n. (In the plural) An Alcaic verse.
ALCAIC n. (Greek) a type of verse form.
ALCADESalcades n. Plural of alcade.
ALCADE n. (Arabic) the mayor of a Spanish town, also ALCALDE.
ALCAICSAlcaics n. Plural of Alcaic.
ALCAIC n. (Greek) a type of verse form.
ALCAIDEalcaide n. The governor or commander of a Spanish or Portuguese fortress or prison.
alcaide n. A caid.
Alcaide prop.n. A surname from Spanish.
ALCALDEalcalde n. In Spain or Latin America, a municipal magistrate who has both judicial and administrative functions.
Alcalde prop.n. A surname from Spanish.
ALCALDE n. (Arabic) the mayor of a Spanish town, also ALCADE.
ALCAYDEalcayde n. Alternative form of alcaide.
ALCAYDE n. (Arabic) the commander of a Spanish fortress, also ALCAIDE.
ALCAZARalcazar n. Any Moorish fortress in Spain.
Alcazar prop.n. A surname from Spanish.
ALCAZAR n. (Arabic) a Spanish fortress or palace.
ALCAHESTalcahest n. Alternative form of alkahest.
ALCAHEST n. (Arabic) the hypothetical universal solvent sought by alchemists, also ALKAHEST.
ALCAIDESalcaides n. Plural of alcaide.
Alcaides prop.n. Plural of Alcaide.
ALCAIDE n. (Arabic) the commander of a Spanish fortress, also ALCAYDE.
ALCALDESalcaldes n. Plural of alcalde.
Alcaldes prop.n. Plural of Alcalde.
ALCALDE n. (Arabic) the mayor of a Spanish town, also ALCADE.
ALCATRASalcatras n. (Obsolete) Any of various large ocean birds, such as the pelican, gannet, frigatebird, or albatross.
ALCATRAS n. (Arabic) a kind of large water bird.
ALCAYDESalcaydes n. Plural of alcayde.
ALCAYDE n. (Arabic) the commander of a Spanish fortress, also ALCAIDE.
ALCAZARSalcazars n. Plural of alcazar.
Alcazars prop.n. Plural of Alcazar.
ALCAZAR n. (Arabic) a Spanish fortress or palace.
ALCAHESTSalcahests n. Plural of alcahest.
ALCAHEST n. (Arabic) the hypothetical universal solvent sought by alchemists, also ALKAHEST.
ALCARRAZAalcarraza n. A jug, pitcher, etc. made of porous earthenware.
ALCARRAZA n. (Spanish) a vessel of porous earthenware, used for cooling liquids by evaporation from the exterior surface.
ALCAICERIAALCAICERIA n. (Spanish) a bazaar.
ALCARRAZASalcarrazas n. Plural of alcarraza.
ALCARRAZA n. (Spanish) a vessel of porous earthenware, used for cooling liquids by evaporation from the exterior surface.
ALCATRASESALCATRAS n. (Arabic) a kind of large water bird.
ALCAICERIASALCAICERIA n. (Spanish) a bazaar.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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