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There are 20 words beginning with AERI

AERIEaerie n. Alternative form of eyrie.
aerie n. A local chapter of the Fraternal Order of Eagles.
AERIE n. the nest of a bird of prey, also EYRIE, EYRY.
AERIALaerial adj. Living or taking place in the air.
aerial adj. (Now literary or historical) Made up of air or gas; gaseous.
aerial adj. Positioned high up; elevated.
AERIEDaeried adj. Having aeries.
AERIED adj. having aeries, e.g. of a crag.
AERIERaerier adj. Comparative form of aery: more aery.
AERY adj. airy.
AERIESaeries n. Plural of aerie.
AERIE n. the nest of a bird of prey, also EYRIE, EYRY.
AERIFYaerify v. (Transitive) To mix with air.
aerify v. (Transitive) To vaporize.
AERIFY v. to infuse air into; to combine air with.
AERILYaerily adv. In an aerial manner.
aerily adv. Atmospherically (all senses).
AERY adv. airy.
AERIALSaerials n. (Skiing) Aerial skiing.
aerials n. Plural of aerial.
aërials n. Plural of aërial.
AERIESTaeriest adj. Superlative form of aery: most aery.
AERY adj. airy.
AERIALLYaerially adv. In an aerial manner.
aerially adv. Via the air, as in aerial transmission of diseases.
AERIALLY adv. pertaining to the air.
AERIFIEDaerified v. Simple past tense and past participle of aerify.
aerified adj. Converted into gas.
aerified adj. Infused with air; aerated.
AERIFIESaerifies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of aerify.
AERIFY v. to infuse air into; to combine air with.
AERIFORMaeriform adj. Pertaining to air.
aeriform adj. Having a form similar to that of air.
aeriform adj. Light, unsubstantial, or unstable.
AERIALISTaerialist n. An acrobat performing high off the ground, defying a fall to earth, as on a trapeze or a tightrope.
aerialist n. (Skiing) A specialist in aerials, a freestyle skiing discipline.
aerialist n. (Obsolete) One who operates a flying machine; a balloonist or aviator.
AERIALITYaeriality n. The state of being aerial or airy; insubstantiality.
AERIALITY n. the state of being aerial; insubstantiality.
AERIFYINGaerifying v. Present participle of aerify.
AERIFY v. to infuse air into; to combine air with.
AERIALISTSaerialists n. Plural of aerialist.
AERIALIST n. one who performs on the high wire or trapeze.
AERIALITIESaerialities n. Plural of aeriality.
AERIALITY n. the state of being aerial; insubstantiality.
AERIFICATIONaerification n. Aeration, especially of the soil.
aerification n. Transformation into air or gas.
AERIFICATION n. the process of changing into a gas.
AERIFICATIONSaerifications n. Plural of aerification.
AERIFICATION n. the process of changing into a gas.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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