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There are 20 eight-letter words beginning with AERO

AEROBATSaerobats n. Plural of aerobat.
AEROBAT n. one who performs feats in an aircraft.
AEROBICSaerobics n. A form of exercise, designed to enhance one’s cardiovascular fitness, normally performed to music.
AEROBICS n. exercise for conditioning the heart and lungs.
AEROBIUMAEROBIUM n. (Latin) an organism that requires free oxygen, also AEROBE.
AEROBOMBaerobomb n. (Dated) A bomb dropped from an aircraft.
AEROBOMB n. a bomb for dropping from aircraft.
AEROBOTSaerobots n. Plural of aerobot.
AEROBOT n. an unmanned gas-filled craft used to conduct experiments in planetary atmospheres.
AERODARTAERODART n. an arrow-headed missile of steel dropped by an aircraft.
AERODUCTaeroduct n. A proposed form of ramjet that harnesses charged particles in the upper atmosphere.
AERODUCT n. a type of jet engine.
AERODYNEaerodyne n. (Aviation) A heavier-than-air aircraft, deriving its lift from motion.
AERODYNE n. a heavier-than-air aircraft (as an airplane, helicopter, or glider), as opposed to aerostat.
AEROFOILaerofoil n. Britain standard form of airfoil.
AEROFOIL n. a structure which gives rise to a lift force when moving through the air, e.g. a wing of an aircraft, also AIRFOIL.
AEROGELSaerogels n. Plural of aerogel.
AEROGEL n. a highly porous solid.
AEROGRAMaerogram n. (Dated) A wireless message.
aerogram n. (Dated, rare) A telegram whose transmission included at least one segment sent via airplane.
aerogram n. A thin piece of foldable and gummed paper for writing a letter and serving as its own envelope for transit…
AEROLITEaerolite n. A meteorite consisting of silicate minerals.
AEROLITE n. a meteorite.
AEROLITHaerolith n. (Chiefly historical) A meteorite.
AEROLITH n. a meteorite.
AEROLOGYaerology n. The branch of meteorology involving the observation of the atmosphere by means of balloons, kites, rockets…
aerology n. The study of the air and of the atmosphere and technological methods involved. Used in the US Navy until…
AEROLOGY n. the study of the atmosphere.
AERONAUTaeronaut n. A person who travels through the air in an airship or balloon.
aëronaut n. Archaic spelling of aeronaut.
AERONAUT n. a traveller through the air; a balloonist, a pilot.
AERONOMYaeronomy n. A branch of science that deals with the upper atmosphere of the Earth and the other planets with reference…
AERONOMY n. the study of the upper atmosphere.
AEROSATSAEROSAT n. a satellite for air-traffic control.
AEROSOLSaerosols n. Plural of aerosol.
aerosols v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of aerosol.
AEROSOL n. a spray released under pressure.
AEROSTATaerostat n. An aircraft, such as a dirigible or balloon, that derives its lift from buoyancy rather than from wings or rotors.
aerostat n. A moored balloon flown in a semi-permanent manner, such as a border patrol monitoring balloon affixed…
AEROSTAT n. any lighter-than-air craft e.g. a blimp or balloon, as opposed to an aerodyne.
AEROTONEAEROTONE n. a deep bath with massaging jets of compressed air.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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