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There are 16 seven-letter words beginning with ARCH

ARCHAEAarchaea n. Plural of archaeon.
Archaea prop.n. Single-celled organisms lacking nuclei, formerly called archaebacteria, but now known to differ fundamentally…
ARCHAEON n. a single celled organism like bacterium.
ARCHAEIarchaei n. Plural of archaeus.
ARCHAEUS n. an inner controlling spirit, also ARCHEUS.
ARCHAICarchaic n. (Archaeology, US, usually capitalized) A general term for the prehistoric period intermediate between…
archaic n. (Paleoanthropology) (A member of) an archaic variety of Homo sapiens.
archaic adj. Of or characterized by antiquity; old-fashioned, quaint, antiquated.
ARCHEANArchean adj. Alternative form of Archaean.
Archean prop.n. Alternative form of Archaean.
ARCHEAN adj. relating to the archaea, an order of prokaryootic microorganisms, also ARCHAEAL, ARCHAEAN, ARCHAEON.
ARCHERSarchers n. Plural of archer.
ARCHER n. someone who uses a bow and arrow.
ARCHERYarchery n. (Uncountable) The practice or sport of shooting arrows with a bow.
archery n. (Countable) A group of archers.
ARCHERY n. the sport of shooting with bows and arrows.
ARCHESTarchest adj. Superlative form of arch: most arch.
archest v. (Archaic) second-person singular simple present form of arch.
ARCH adj. sly, mischievous.
ARCHEUSarcheus n. (Alchemy) The vital principle or force believed by the Paracelsians to be responsible for alchemical…
ARCHEUS n. an inner controlling spirit, also ARCHAEUS.
ARCHFOEarchfoe n. Archenemy.
ARCHFOE n. a principal foe.
ARCHILSarchils n. Plural of archil.
ARCHIL n. a red or violet dye, also ORCHEL, ORCHELLA, ORCHILLA, ORSEILLE.
ARCHINEarchine n. Alternative form of arshin.
ARCHINE n. (Turkish) an old Russian unit of length, also ARSHEEN, ARSHIN, ARSHINE.
ARCHINGarching v. Present participle of arch.
arching n. The arched part of a structure.
arching adj. (Nautical) hogging, as opposed to sagging.
ARCHIVEarchive n. A place for storing earlier, and often historical, material. An archive usually contains documents (Letters…
archive n. The material so kept, considered as a whole (compare archives).
archive n. (Ecology) Natural deposits of material, regarded as a record of environmental changes over time.
ARCHLETarchlet n. A small arch.
ARCHLET n. a little arch.
ARCHONSarchons n. Plural of archon.
ARCHON n. the chief magistrate of ancient Athens.
ARCHWAYarchway n. A passageway covered by an arch, particularly one made of masonry.
archway n. A doorway with a semilunar-shaped top.
ARCHWAY n. a passageway under an arch.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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