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List of 7-letter words beginning with

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There are 8 seven-letter words beginning with ALLO

ALLOBARallobar n. (Physics) Any form of an element having a different isotopic composition to that of the natural element…
allobar n. (Meteorology) An area where the atmospheric pressure changes.
ALLOBAR n. a change in barometric pressure.
ALLODIAallodia n. Plural of allodium.
ALLODIUM n. (Latin) an estate held in absolute ownership, also ALLOD, ALOD, ALODIUM.
ALLONGEallonge n. (Law, banking) A slip of paper attached to a negotiable instrument to hold endorsements should the document…
allonge n. (Fencing) A thrust or pass; a lunge.
allonge v. To thrust with a sword; to lunge.
ALLONYMallonym n. A pseudonym, (particularly) another person’s name used as a pseudonym by the author of a work.
allonym n. (Uncommon) An allonymous work: a book published under the name of a person other than its true author.
ALLONYM n. the name of a person, usually historical, taken by an author as a pen name (as opposed to using a fictional pseudonym).
ALLOVERallover adj. Alternative spelling of all-over.
all-over adj. Over the whole area or extent.
all␣over adv. (Idiomatic) Over an entire extent.
ALLOWEDallowed v. Simple past tense and past participle of allow.
allowed adj. Permitted, authorized.
allowed adj. (Now rare) Allotted.
ALLOXANalloxan n. (Biochemistry) An oxidation product of uric acid, 2,4,5,6(1H,3H)-pyrimidinetetrone, capable of inducing…
ALLOXAN n. an oxidation product of uric acid, of a pale reddish color, readily soluble in water or alcohol.
ALLOYEDalloyed adj. Mixed.
alloyed v. Simple past tense and past participle of alloy.
ALLOY v. to combine a mixture of metals.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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