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There are 20 twelve-letter words beginning with AERO

AEROBICISINGaerobicising v. Present participle of aerobicise.
AEROBICISE v. to make aerobic, also AEROBICIZE.
AEROBICIZINGaerobicizing v. Present participle of aerobicize.
AEROBICIZE v. to make aerobic, also AEROBICISE.
AEROBRAKINGSAEROBRAKING n. using a planet's atmosphere to reduce the speed of a spacecraft.
AERODONETICSaerodonetics n. The study of the stability of aircraft in flight, especially the study of gliders.
AERODONETICS n. the study of soaring or gliding flight, esp. the study of gliders.
AERODYNAMICSaerodynamics n. The science of the dynamics of bodies moving relative to gases, especially the interaction of moving…
aerodynamics n. The aerodynamic properties of a particular object (typically a car).
aërodynamics n. Alternative form of aerodynamics.
AEROEMBOLISMaeroembolism n. An embolism that results from the introduction, (or the formation under reduced pressure) of air bubbles in the blood.
AEROEMBOLISM n. sickness caused by exposure to rapidly lowered air pressure.
AEROGRAPHIESAEROGRAPHY n. a description of the air or atmosphere; aerology.
AEROMAGNETICaeromagnetic adj. Of or pertaining to aeromagnetics.
AEROMAGNETIC adj. relating to study of the earth's magnetic field esp. from the air.
AEROMECHANICaeromechanic n. A mechanic in the aircraft industry.
AEROMECHANIC n. an aircraft mechanic.
AEROMEDICINEaeromedicine n. Aviation or aerospace medicine.
AEROMEDICINE n. a branch of medicine that deals with the diseases arising from flying.
AERONAUTICALaeronautical adj. Of or pertaining to the scientific study of flight.
AERONAUTICAL adj. relating to aeronautics.
AERONEUROSESaeroneuroses n. Plural of aeroneurosis.
AERONEUROSIS n. flight fatigue, a nervous disorder of airmen, with emotional and physical symptoms.
AERONEUROSISaeroneurosis n. (Aviation, medicine, pathology) A disorder afflicting pilots and members of aviation crews, characterized…
AERONEUROSIS n. flight fatigue, a nervous disorder of airmen, with emotional and physical symptoms.
AEROPLANKTONaeroplankton n. The tiny lifeforms that float and drift in the air, carried by the current of the wind.
AEROPLANKTON n. minute organisms carried in the air.
AEROSIDERITEaerosiderite n. A mass of meteoric iron.
AEROSIDERITE n. an iron meteorite.
AEROSOLISINGaerosolising v. Present participle of aerosolise.
AEROSOLISE v. to turn into an aerosol, also AEROSOLIZE.
AEROSOLIZINGaerosolizing v. Present participle of aerosolize.
AEROSOLIZE v. to turn into an aerosol.
AEROSTATICALaerostatical adj. Of or relating to aerostatics; pneumatic.
aerostatical adj. Aeronautic.
AEROSTATICAL adj. relating to aerostatics, also AEROSTATIC.
AEROTROPISMSAEROTROPISM n. curvature in response to concentration of oxygen.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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