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There are 10 eleven-letter words beginning with ACID

ACIDANTHERAacidanthera n. Any of the gladioli previously placed in the genus Acidanthera.
ACIDANTHERA n. a plant of the genus Acidanthera of white-flowered plants of NE Africa.
ACIDIFIABLEacidifiable adj. Capable of being acidified, or converted into an acid.
ACIDIFIABLE adj. capable of being acidified.
ACIDIMETERSacidimeters n. Plural of acidimeter.
ACIDIMETER n. an instrument for measuring concentration of acids, also ACIDOMETER.
ACIDIMETRICacidimetric adj. (Chemistry) Describing a titration in which the titrant is an acid.
ACIDIMETRIC adj. relating to acidimetry, the measurement of the strength of acids.
ACIDOMETERSacidometers n. Plural of acidometer.
ACIDOMETER n. a type of hydrometer for measuring the relative density of an acid solution, esp. the acid in a battery, also ACIDIMETER.
ACIDOPHILESacidophiles n. Plural of acidophile.
ACIDOPHILE n. a substance, tissue or organism that stains readily with acid stains, also ACIDOPHIL.
ACIDOPHILICacidophilic adj. Thriving under acidic conditions; relating to or being an acidophile.
acidophilic adj. Easily stained with acidic dyes, such as eosin.
ACIDOPHILIC adj. easily stained by acid dyes; thriving in acid environment.
ACIDOPHILUSacidophilus n. Lactobacillus acidophilus, one of the bacteria commonly used in fermenting yogurt.
ACIDOPHILUS n. a bacterium used to counter intestinal imbalance and in making yoghurt.
ACIDULATINGacidulating v. Present participle of acidulate.
ACIDULATE v. to make acidulous.
ACIDULATIONacidulation n. The act of acidulating.
ACIDULATION n. the process of making slightly acid.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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