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There are 18 ten-letter words beginning with ABST

ABSTAINERSabstainers n. Plural of abstainer.
ABSTAINER n. one who abstains.
ABSTAININGabstaining v. Present participle of abstain.
ABSTAIN v. to refrain deliberately and often with an effort of self-denial from an action or practice.
ABSTEMIOUSabstemious adj. Refraining from freely consuming food or strong drink; sparing in diet; abstinent, temperate.
abstemious adj. Sparing in the indulgence of the appetite or passions.
abstemious adj. Sparingly used; used with temperance or moderation.
ABSTENTIONabstention n. (Obsolete) The act of restraining oneself.
abstention n. The act of abstaining or refraining (from).
abstention n. The act of declining to vote on a particular issue.
ABSTERGENTabstergent adj. Cleansing, detergent.
abstergent n. A substance used to cleanse; a detergent.
ABSTERGENT adj. serving to cleanse, detergent.
ABSTERGINGabsterging v. Present participle of absterge.
ABSTERGE v. to cleanse by wiping.
ABSTERSIONabstersion n. (Archaic) Act of wiping clean; a cleansing; a purging.
ABSTERSION n. the act of wiping clean; a cleansing; a purging.
ABSTERSIVEabstersive adj. Cleansing; purging; abstergent.
abstersive n. (Now rare) Something cleansing; detergent; abstergent.
ABSTERSIVE adj. serving to cleanse or purge.
ABSTINENCEabstinence n. The act or practice of abstaining, refraining from indulging a desire or appetite.
abstinence n. The practice of self-denial; self-restraint; forebearance from anything.
abstinence n. (Obsolete) Self-denial; abstaining; or forebearance of anything.
ABSTINENCYabstinency n. (Rare) Alternative form of abstinence.
ABSTINENCY n. voluntary forbearance esp. from indulgence of an appetite, also ABSTINENCE.
ABSTRACTEDabstracted adj. Separated or disconnected; withdrawn; removed; apart.
abstracted adj. (Now rare) Separated from matter; abstract; ideal, not concrete.
abstracted adj. (Now rare) Abstract; abstruse; difficult.
ABSTRACTERabstracter n. One who abstracts, or makes an abstract, as in records or documents.
abstracter n. Someone that finds and summarizes information for legal or insurance work.
abstracter n. An accounting clerk who records payroll deductions.
ABSTRACTLYabstractly adv. In an abstract way or manner.
abstractly adv. Separately; absolutely.
ABSTRACT adv. difficult to understand.
ABSTRACTORabstractor n. Alternative form of abstracter.
abstractor n. (Dated, historical, UK) A clerk of a certain title or grade in the British civil service.
ABSTRACTOR n. one who abstracts, also ABSTRACTER.
ABSTRICTEDabstricted adj. Separated by abstriction.
abstricted v. Simple past tense and past participle of abstrict.
ABSTRICT v. to set free spores etc. by constriction of the stalk.
ABSTRUSELYabstrusely adv. In an abstruse manner.
ABSTRUSE adv. difficult to understand.
ABSTRUSESTabstrusest adj. (Rare) superlative form of abstruse: most abstruse.
ABSTRUSE adj. difficult to understand.
ABSTRUSITYabstrusity n. (Archaic) Abstruseness; that which is abstruse.
ABSTRUSITY n. the state of being abstruse.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 34 words
  • Scrabble in French: 21 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 38 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 20 words

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