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There are 14 words beginning with AUC

AUCEPSAUCEPS n. (Latin) a hawker or bird-tender.
AUCUBAaucuba n. Any of several decorative evergreen shrubs of the genus Aucuba.
AUCUBA n. a shrub of the dogwood family.
AUCTIONauction n. A public event where goods or property are sold to the highest bidder.
auction n. (Bridge) The first stage of a deal, in which players bid to determine the final contract.
auction v. To sell at an auction.
AUCUBASaucubas n. Plural of aucuba.
AUCUBA n. a shrub of the dogwood family.
AUCEPSESAUCEPS n. (Latin) a hawker or bird-tender.
AUCTIONSauctions n. Plural of auction.
auctions v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of auction.
AUCTION v. to sell publicly to the highest bidder.
AUCTIONEDauctioned v. Simple past tense and past participle of auction.
AUCTION v. to sell publicly to the highest bidder.
AUCTORIALauctorial adj. Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of an author.
AUCTORIAL adj. of or relating to an author.
AUCTIONARYauctionary adj. Of or pertaining to an auction.
AUCTIONARY adj. of or pertaining to an auction or an auctioneer.
AUCTIONEERauctioneer n. A person who conducts an auction on behalf of a vendor, taking bids to find the best price for the vendor.
auctioneer v. (Transitive) To sell at an auction; to auction.
AUCTIONEER n. an agent who sells goods at auction.
AUCTIONINGauctioning v. Present participle of auction.
AUCTION v. to sell publicly to the highest bidder.
AUCTIONEERSauctioneers n. Plural of auctioneer.
AUCTIONEER n. an agent who sells goods at auction.
AUCTIONEEREDauctioneered v. Simple past tense and past participle of auctioneer.
AUCTIONEER v. to sell by auction.
AUCTIONEERINGauctioneering v. Present participle of auctioneer.
AUCTIONEER v. to sell by auction.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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