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There are 20 words beginning with ARD

ARDard n. A simple plough consisting of a spike dragged through the soil.
Ard prop.n. A surname.
ARD n. Initialism of acid reflux disease.
ARDSards n. Plural of ard.
ARDS n. (Healthcare, medicine) Acronym of acute respiratory distress syndrome.
ARD n. a kind of primitive plough.
ARDEBardeb n. A Middle Eastern unit of volume used for agricultural crops.
ARDEB n. (Arabic) an Egyptian measure.
ARDORardor n. Great warmth of feeling; fervor; passion.
ardor n. Spirit; enthusiasm; passion.
ardor n. Intense heat.
ARDRIARDRI n. (Irish) a title given to the High King of Ireland, also ARDRIGH.
ARDEBSardebs n. Plural of ardeb.
ARDEB n. (Arabic) an Egyptian measure.
ARDENTardent adj. Full of ardor; expressing passion, spirit, or enthusiasm.
ardent adj. (Literary) Providing light or heat.
ARDENT adj. burning with emotion.
ARDORSardors n. Plural of ardor.
ARDOR n. (US) passion of feeling, also ARDOUR.
ARDOURardour n. Britain, Canada, and Australia spelling of ardor.
ARDOUR n. passion of feeling, also ARDOR.
ARDRISARDRI n. (Irish) a title given to the High King of Ireland, also ARDRIGH.
ARDENCYardency n. The quality of being ardent.
ARDENCY n. a burning quality; (figuratively) warmth of feeling or desire, ardour.
ARDOURSardours n. Plural of ardour.
ARDOUR n. passion of feeling, also ARDOR.
ARDRIGHARDRIGH n. (Irish) a title given to the High King of Ireland, also ARDRI.
ARDUOUSarduous adj. Needing or using up much energy; testing powers of endurance.
arduous adj. (Obsolete) burning; ardent.
arduous adj. Difficult or exhausting to traverse.
ARDENTLYardently adv. Fervently.
ARDENT adv. burning with emotion.
ARDRIGHSARDRIGH n. (Irish) a title given to the High King of Ireland, also ARDRI.
ARDENCIESardencies n. Plural of ardency.
ARDENCY n. a burning quality; (figuratively) warmth of feeling or desire, ardour.
ARDUOUSLYarduously adv. In an arduous manner.
ARDUOUS adv. laborious.
ARDUOUSNESSarduousness n. The state of being arduous.
ARDUOUSNESS n. the state of being arduous.
ARDUOUSNESSESarduousnesses n. Plural of arduousness.
ARDUOUSNESS n. the state of being arduous.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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