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There are 13 words beginning with AIG

AIGAaiga n. The Samoan leader of a household.
aiga n. A type of bus, typically a modified pickup truck, used by private entrepreneurs in American Samoa.
AIGA n. (Samoan) a large family, often spanning several generations, also AINGA.
AIGASaigas n. Plural of aiga.
AIGA n. (Samoan) a large family, often spanning several generations, also AINGA.
AIGHTaight adj. (AAVE, Britain, slang) Contraction of all right.
aight adj. (AAVE, Britain, slang) Okay; average; nothing special.
aight adv. (AAVE, slang) Contraction of all right.
AIGLETaiglet n. A tip, originally of metal and often decorative, on a ribbon or cord that makes lacing two parts of…
aiglet n. An ornament worn on clothing, consisting of a metal tag on a fringe, or a small metallic plate or spangle.
AIGLET n. a metal sheath at the end of a lace, also AGLET.
AIGLETSaiglets n. Plural of aiglet.
AIGLET n. a metal sheath at the end of a lace, also AGLET.
AIGRETaigret n. Alternative spelling of aigrette.
AIGRET n. (French) a tuft of feathers worn as a head ornament, also AIGRETTE.
AIGRETSaigrets n. Plural of aigret.
AIGRET n. (French) a tuft of feathers worn as a head ornament, also AIGRETTE.
AIGRETTEaigrette n. A feather or plume, or feather-shaped item, used as an adornment or ornament.
aigrette n. (Ornithology) The lesser white heron.
aigrette n. The feathery crown of some seeds (such as the dandelion).
AIGRETTESaigrettes n. Plural of aigrette.
AIGRETTE n. (French) a tuft of feathers worn as a head ornament, also AIGRET.
AIGUILLEaiguille n. A needle-shaped peak.
aiguille n. An instrument for boring holes, used in blasting.
AIGUILLE n. (French) a needlelike peak of rock.
AIGUILLESaiguilles n. Plural of aiguille.
AIGUILLE n. (French) a needlelike peak of rock.
AIGUILLETTEaiguillette n. An ornamental braided cord with decorative metal tips worn on uniforms.
aiguillette n. Alternative form of aiglet (“metal tip on a ribbon or cord that facilitated lacing two parts of a garment…
AIGUILLETTE n. (French) the tag covering the ends of a lace, also AGLET, AIGLET.
AIGUILLETTESaiguillettes n. Plural of aiguillette.
AIGUILLETTE n. (French) the tag covering the ends of a lace, also AGLET, AIGLET.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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