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There are 20 words beginning with AID

AIDaid n. (Uncountable) Help; assistance; succor, relief.
aid n. (Countable) A helper; an assistant.
aid n. (Countable) Something which helps; a material source of help.
AIDAAida prop.n. A female given name from Italian in quiet use since the 1870s.
AIDA prop.n. (ESA, NASA, space science) Initialism of Asteroid Impact & Deflection Mission.
AIDA n. (Marketing) attention, interest, desire, action.
AIDEaide n. An assistant.
aide n. (Military) An officer who acts as assistant to a more senior one; an aide-de-camp.
AIDE n. (French) a confidential assistant to a person of senior rank.
AIDSaids n. Plural of aid.
aids v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of aid.
Aids n. Alternative letter-case form of AIDS acquired immune deficiency syndrome.
AIDASAIDA n. a finely-meshed cotton fabric used for cross-stitch embroidery.
AIDEDaided v. Simple past tense and past participle of aid.
AID v. to help.
AIDERaider n. A person who aids or assists.
aider n. (Climbing) A mountaineer’s stirrup or étrier.
AIDER n. one who aids.
AIDESaides n. Plural of aide.
AIDE n. (French) a confidential assistant to a person of senior rank.
AIDOIAIDOS n. (Greek) shame, modesty.
AIDOSaidos n. Shame, modesty, or humility, regarded as a virtue in Ancient Greece.
Aidos prop.n. (Greek mythology) The goddess or personification of humility, modesty.
AIDOS n. (Greek) shame, modesty.
AIDANTaidant adj. (Obsolete) helpful, assisting.
AIDANT n. (archaic) a helper.
AIDERSaiders n. Plural of aider.
AIDER n. one who aids.
AIDFULaidful adj. Helpful, assisting, providing aid.
AIDFUL adj. helpful.
AIDINGaiding v. Present participle of aid.
aiding n. The act of one who aids or assists.
AID v. to help.
AIDMANaidman n. An army medical corpsman attached to a field unit.
AIDMAN n. a corpsman.
AIDMENaidmen n. Plural of aidman.
AIDMAN n. a corpsman.
AIDANCEaidance n. Aid; assistance; help.
AIDANCE n. help.
AIDANTSAIDANT n. (archaic) a helper.
AIDLESSaidless adj. Without aid.
aidless adj. Without mechanical assistance.
AIDLESS adj. helpless; without aid.
AIDANCESaidances n. Plural of aidance.
AIDANCE n. help.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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