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There are 10 words beginning with ADN

ADNASCENTadnascent adj. Growing to or on something else.
ADNASCENT adj. growing on some other thing.
ADNATEadnate adj. (Botany, mycology) Linked or fused to a structure of a type different from itself; for example, attachment…
adnate adj. (Zoology) Growing with one side adherent to a stem; applied to the lateral zooids of corals and other…
ADNATE adj. closely attached; growing together, esp. in an unusual fashion.
ADNATIONadnation n. (Botany) The adhesion or cohesion of different floral verticils or sets of organs.
ADNATION n. the state of being adnate, closely attached.
ADNATIONSadnations n. Plural of adnation.
ADNATION n. the state of being adnate, closely attached.
ADNEXAadnexa n. (Anatomy) The appendages of an organ, such as the Fallopian tubes of the uterus.
ADNEXA n. conjoined anatomical parts.
ADNEXALadnexal adj. (Botany) Having the property of being adnexed.
adnexal adj. (Anatomy) Of, or relating to the adnexa.
ADNEXAL adj. relating to conjoined anatomical parts.
ADNOMINALadnominal adj. (Grammar) Involving or relating to words that modify a noun.
adnominal n. (Grammar) The adnominal case: A word or phrase qualifying a noun, such as an adjective or a relative clause.
adnominal adj. (Grammar, dated) Of or pertaining to an adnoun (sensu stricto).
ADNOMINALSadnominals n. Plural of adnominal.
ADNOMINAL n. a word attached to a noun.
ADNOUNadnoun n. (Grammar) an adjective used as a noun (sensu stricto), an absolute adjective.
adnoun n. (Grammar, dated) an adjective.
ADNOUN n. an adjective used as a noun.
ADNOUNSadnouns n. Plural of adnoun.
ADNOUN n. an adjective used as a noun.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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