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List of 9-letter words beginning with

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There are 11 nine-letter words beginning with AUR

AUREATELYAUREATE adv. pertaining to the fancy or flowery words used by poets.
AUREITIESAUREITY n. properties of gold.
AURELIANSaurelians n. Plural of aurelian.
Aurelians n. Plural of Aurelian.
AURELIAN n. one who studies moths and butterflies.
AUREOLINGAUREOLE v. to surround with a halo.
AURICULAEauriculae n. Plural of auricula.
AURICULA n. (Latin) a species of Primula, or primrose, aka, from the shape of its leaves, bear's-ear.
AURICULARauricular adj. (Relational) Of or pertaining to the ear.
auricular adj. (Anatomy, relational) Pertaining to the auricles of the heart.
auricular adj. (Art, relational) Pertaining to a style of ornamental decoration, originating in Northern Europe in…
AURICULASauriculas n. Plural of auricula.
AURICULA n. (Latin) a species of Primula, or primrose, aka, from the shape of its leaves, bear's-ear.
AURIFYINGaurifying v. Present participle of aurify.
AURIFY v. to turn into gold.
AURISCOPEauriscope n. An instrument for examining the condition of the ear.
AURISCOPE n. an instrument for examining the ear.
AUROCHSESaurochses n. Plural of aurochs.
AUROCHS n. (German) an extinct wild ox, aka ure or urus.
AURORALLYaurorally adv. In the dawn.
aurorally adv. With an aurora.
AURORAL adv. relating to the dawn, also AUROREAN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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