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There are 20 nine-letter words beginning with ARB

ARBALESTSarbalests n. Plural of arbalest.
ARBALEST n. a type of crossbow, also ARBALIST, ARBELEST, ARBLAST.
ARBALISTSarbalists n. Plural of arbalist.
ARBALIST n. a type of crossbow, also ARBALEST, ARBELEST, ARBLAST.
ARBELESTSarbelests n. Plural of arbelest.
ARBELEST n. a type of crossbow, also ARBALEST, ARBALIST, ARBLAST.
ARBITRAGEarbitrage n. (Finance) A market activity in which a security, commodity, currency or other tradable item is bought…
arbitrage n. (Archaic) Arbitration.
arbitrage v. (Intransitive, finance) To employ arbitrage.
ARBITRARYarbitrary adj. (Usually of a decision) Based on individual discretion or judgment; not based on any objective distinction…
arbitrary adj. Determined by impulse rather than reason; heavy-handed.
arbitrary adj. (Mathematics) Any, out of all that are possible.
ARBITRATEarbitrate v. To make a judgment (on a dispute) as an arbitrator or arbiter.
arbitrate v. To submit (a dispute) to such judgment.
arbitrate v. (Mathematics, rare) To assign an arbitrary value to, or otherwise determine arbitrarily.
ARBITRESSarbitress n. A female arbiter.
ARBITRESS n. a female arbitrator.
ARBITRIUMARBITRIUM n. (Latin) a power of decision.
ARBLASTERarblaster n. Alternative form of arbalister.
ARBOREOUSarboreous adj. (Of a plant) Having the characteristics of a tree.
arboreous adj. Covered or filled with trees.
arboreous adj. (Obsolete) Growing on trees.
ARBORETUMarboretum n. A place where many varieties of tree are grown for research, educational, and ornamental purposes.
ARBORETUM n. (Latin) a collection of trees.
ARBORISEDarborised v. Simple past tense and past participle of arborise.
ARBORISE v. to form many branches, also ARBORIZE.
ARBORISESarborises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of arborise.
ARBORISE v. to form many branches, also ARBORIZE.
ARBORISTSarborists n. Plural of arborist.
ARBORIST n. a tree specialist.
ARBORIZEDarborized v. Simple past tense and past participle of arborize.
ARBORIZE v. to form many branches, also ARBORISE.
ARBORIZESarborizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of arborize.
ARBORIZE v. to form many branches, also ARBORISE.
ARBOVIRALarboviral adj. (Pathology, virology) Of, pertaining to, or caused by an arbovirus.
ARBOVIRAL adj. relating to arbovirus, a group of viruses spread by mosquitoes.
ARBOVIRUSarbovirus n. (Pathology, virology) Any virus that is transmitted by an arthropod.
ARBOVIRUS n. any of a group of viruses spread by mosquitoes.
ARBUSCLESarbuscles n. Plural of arbuscle.
ARBUSCLE n. a dwarf or shrublike tree.
ARBUTUSESarbutuses n. Plural of arbutus.
ARBUTUS n. (Latin) an evergreen tree, the strawberry tree, also ARBUTE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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