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List of 9-letter words beginning with

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There are 10 nine-letter words beginning with APE

APERIENTSaperients n. Plural of aperient.
APERIENT n. a laxative.
APERIODICaperiodic adj. That does not recur periodically.
aperiodic adj. (Physics) That does not have a periodic vibration.
aperiodic adj. (Mathematics, stochastic processes, of a state) for which any return to it may occur at irregular times; not periodic.
APERITIFSaperitifs n. Plural of aperitif.
apéritifs n. Plural of apéritif.
APERITIF n. (French) an alcoholic drink taken as an appetiser.
APERITIVEaperitive adj. (Medicine) Tending to open the bowels; aperient.
aperitive adj. Serving as an apéritif: a pre-meal alcoholic drink.
aperitive n. (Medicine) aperient.
APERTNESSapertness n. (Archaic) Openness; frankness.
APERTNESS n. (archaic) openness; frankness.
APERTURALapertural adj. Relating to an aperture.
APERTURAL adj. related to an aperture.
APERTUREDapertured adj. Having an aperture (or a specified type of aperture).
APERTURED adj. having an aperture.
APERTURESapertures n. Plural of aperture.
APERTURE n. an opening.
APETALIESAPETALY n. the state of having no petals.
APETALOUSapetalous adj. (Botany) Having no petals.
APETALOUS adj. having no petals, or flower leaves.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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