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There are 10 nine-letter words beginning with ALE

ALEATORICaleatoric adj. Having an element of chance.
aleatoric adj. (Art, music, not comparable) Of or pertaining to works that have been produced with an element of chance…
ALEATORIC adj. dependent on chance, luck, or an uncertain outcome, also ALEATORY.
ALECITHALalecithal adj. (Biology, of an ovum) Tending to segment uniformly, and having little or no yolk embedded in the protoplasm.
ALECITHAL adj. of an ovum, having little or no yolk.
ALECTRYONAlectryon prop.n. (Greek mythology) A youth charged by Ares to stand guard outside his door while the god indulged in…
Alectryon prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Sapindaceae – trees and shrubs native to southeast Asia and Australia.
ALECTRYON n. a sapindaceous tree of Australasia, Southeast Asia, and Micronesia.
ALEHOUSESalehouses n. Plural of alehouse.
ale-houses n. Plural of ale-house (alternative spelling of alehouses).
ALEHOUSE n. a tavern where ale is sold.
ALEMBROTHalembroth n. (Archaic) The "salt of wisdom" of the alchemists, a double salt composed of the chlorides of ammonium…
ALEMBROTH n. an alchemists' word for mercury ammonium chloride, aka salt of wisdom.
ALERTNESSalertness n. The quality of being alert or on the alert.
ALERTNESS n. the state of being alert.
ALEURONESaleurones n. Plural of aleurone.
ALEURONE n. a protein found in some seeds, also ALEURON.
ALEURONICaleuronic adj. Of or pertaining to aleurone.
ALEURONIC adj. of or like aleuron, a protein found in flour.
ALEWASHEDale-washed adj. (Obsolete) Drunk; inebriated; acting under the influence of ale or beer.
ALEWASHED adj. (Shakespeare) affected by drinking beer.
ALEXANDERalexander n. A cocktail made of cognac or gin, white crème de cacao, and light cream.
Alexander prop.n. A male given name from Ancient Greek, most famously held by Alexander the Great.
Alexander prop.n. A Scottish surname originating as a patronymic, anglicized from Scottish Gaelic Mac Alasdair (“son of Alexander”).

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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