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There are 18 nine-letter words beginning with ACI

ACICLOVIRaciclovir n. (Pharmacology) A cyclic synthetic nucleoside C8H11N5O3 used as an antiviral drug (trademarks Avirax…
ACICLOVIR n. a drug used in the treatment of forms of herpes and of HIV, also ACYCLOVIR.
ACICULATEaciculate adj. Furnished with aciculae.
aciculate adj. Acicular (needle-shaped).
aciculate adj. Marked with fine irregular streaks as if scratched by a needle.
ACICULUMSaciculums n. Plural of aciculum.
ACICULUM n. (Latin) a bristlelike part.
ACIDEMIASacidemias n. Plural of acidemia.
ACIDEMIA n. a condition of increased acidity of the blood.
ACIDHEADSacidheads n. Plural of acidhead.
ACIDHEAD n. a person who takes hallucinogenic drugs.
ACIDIFIEDacidified v. Simple past tense and past participle of acidify.
ACIDIFY v. to render acid.
ACIDIFIERacidifier n. (Chemistry) A simple or compound principle, whose presence is necessary to produce acidity, as oxygen…
ACIDIFIER n. an agent that acidifies.
ACIDIFIESacidifies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of acidify.
ACIDIFY v. to render acid.
ACIDITIESacidities n. Plural of acidity.
ACIDITY n. sourness.
ACIDOPHILacidophil n. (Immunology) An eosinophil; a white blood cell responsible for combating infection by parasites in the body.
acidophil n. One of the endocrine acidophilic cells of the adenohypophysis, including somatotrophs and lactotrophs.
ACIDOPHIL n. a substance, tissue or organism that stains readily with acid stains, also ACIDOPHILE.
ACIDULATEacidulate v. (Transitive) To make slightly or moderately acid; to acidify.
acidulate v. (Transitive) To make sour in a moderate degree; to sour somewhat.
acidulate v. (Transitive) To use an acidic catalyst, with the chemical change being emphasised over the importance…
ACIDULENTacidulent adj. Having an acid quality; sour; acidulous.
ACIDULENT adj. having an acid quality, also ACIDULOUS.
ACIDULOUSacidulous adj. Slightly sour; sub-acid; sourish.
acidulous adj. (Figurative) Sharp; caustic.
acidulous adj. Containing carbonic acid.
ACIDURIASacidurias n. Plural of aciduria.
ACIDURIA n. excessive acid in the urine.
ACIERAGESACIERAGE n. (French) the covering of a metal plate with an iron film.
ACIERATEDacierated v. Simple past tense and past participle of acierate.
ACIERATE v. to turn into steel.
ACIERATESacierates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of acierate.
ACIERATE v. to turn into steel.
ACINIFORMaciniform adj. Having the form of a cluster of grapes; clustered like grapes.
aciniform adj. Full of small kernels like a grape.
aciniform n. A type of spinneret of a spider formed of spherical particles.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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