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There are 12 nine-letter words beginning with ABA

ABACTINALabactinal adj. (Zoology) Pertaining to the surface or end opposite to the mouth in a radiate animal.
ABACTINAL adj. remote from the actinal area (of a radiate animal).
ABAMPERESabamperes n. Plural of abampere.
ABAMPERE n. a unit of electric current equivalent to 10 amperes.
ABANDONEDabandoned adj. Having given oneself up to vice; immoral; extremely wicked, or sinning without restraint; irreclaimably wicked.
abandoned adj. No longer maintained by its former owners, residents, or caretakers; forsaken, deserted.
abandoned adj. Free from constraint; uninhibited.
ABANDONEEabandonee n. (Law) One to whom something is abandoned.
ABANDONEE n. one to whom anything is legally abandoned.
ABANDONERabandoner n. One who abandons.
ABANDONER n. one who abandons.
ABASEMENTabasement n. The act of abasing, humbling, or bringing low.
abasement n. The state of being abased or humbled; humiliation.
ABASEMENT n. the state of being abased (humbled); humiliation.
ABASHEDLYabashedly adv. In an abashed manner.
ABASHED adv. ABASH, to strike with shame.
ABASHLESSabashless adj. (Literary) Not disconcerted or embarrassed; not concealed; not eliciting shame.
ABASHLESS adj. (obsolete) unabashed (unashamed; not embarrassed).
ABASHMENTabashment n. The state of being abashed; embarrassment from shame.
ABASHMENT n. the state of being abashed.
ABATEMENTabatement n. The act of abating, or the state of being abated; a lessening, diminution, or reduction; a moderation;…
abatement n. (Law) The action of a person that abates, or without proper authority enters a residence after the death…
abatement n. (Law) The reduction of the proceeds of a will, when the debts have not yet been satisfied; the reduction of taxes due.
ABATTISESabattises n. Plural of abattis.
ABATTIS n. (French) a barrier made of felled trees or branches, also ABATIS.
ABATTOIRSabattoirs n. Plural of abattoir.
ABATTOIR n. (French) a public slaughterhouse.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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