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There are 14 eight-letter words beginning with AVI

AVIANISEAVIANISE v. to make eg a virus less severe by repeated culture in a chicken embryo stock, also AVIANIZE.
AVIANIZEavianize v. (Medicine) To attenuate (something such as a virus, for example for use in a vaccine) by repeatedly…
avianize v. (Rare) To make avian; to make bird-like or into a bird.
AVIANIZE v. to modify by repeated culture in a chick embryo, also AVIANISE.
AVIARIESaviaries n. Plural of aviary.
AVIARY n. a large bird enclosure.
AVIARISTaviarist n. A person who keeps an aviary.
AVIARIST n. a keeper of an aviary.
AVIATINGaviating v. Present participle of aviate.
AVIATE v. to fly an aircraft.
AVIATIONaviation n. The art or science of making and flying aircraft.
aviation n. Flying, operating, or operation of aircraft.
aviation n. Industry that produces aircraft.
AVIATORSaviators n. Plural of aviator.
aviators n. Aviator sunglasses.
AVIATOR n. a pilot who flies aircraft.
AVIATRIXaviatrix n. (Dated) A female aviator.
AVIATRIX n. a female aviator.
AVICULARavicular adj. Of or pertaining to a bird or to birds.
AVICULAR adj. pertaining to birds.
AVIDNESSavidness n. The characteristic of being avid.
AVIDNESS n. avidity.
AVIETTESaviettes n. Plural of aviette.
AVIETTE n. (historical) an aeroplane driven by manpower, a kind of glider.
AVIFAUNAavifauna n. The birds, or all the kinds of birds, inhabiting a region.
AVIFAUNA n. (Latin) the bird life of a particular region.
AVIGATORavigator n. An aerial navigator.
AVIGATOR n. one who navigates aircraft.
AVIONICSavionics n. (Aviation) The science and technology of the development and use of electrical and electronic devices in aviation.
avionics n. (Aviation) The devices used in avionics.
AVIONICS n. the science of aviation electronics.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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