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There are 18 eight-letter words beginning with ANI

ANICONICaniconic adj. Of or pertaining to representations without human or animal form.
ANICONIC adj. symbolising without aiming at resemblance.
ANILINESanilines n. Plural of aniline.
ANILINE n. a product of coal-tar used in dyeing, also ANILIN.
ANIMALICanimalic adj. (Rare) of or concerning animals.
ANIMALIC adj. of or like an animal, also ANIMALIAN.
ANIMALLYanimally adj. Resembling or characteristic of an animal.
animally adv. In respect of the physical or "animal" faculties, as opposed to the intellect or spirit.
animally adv. (Obsolete) In respect of the anima or animal spirits.
ANIMATEDanimated adj. Full of life or spirit; lively; vigorous; spritely.
animated adj. Endowed with life.
animated adj. Composed of inanimate objects or drawings that appear to move through the use of computer graphics or…
ANIMATERanimater n. Alternative form of animator.
ANIMATER n. one who, or that which, animates, also ANIMATOR.
ANIMATESanimates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of animate.
ANIMATE v. to give life to.
ANIMATICanimatic n. An animated storyboard used as a rough preview of a film or advertisement.
ANIMATIC n. a section of animation in a TV commercial.
ANIMATORanimator n. One who animates something; one who brings something to life or the appearance of life.
animator n. One who creates an animation or cartoon; a cartoonist.
ANIMATOR n. one who, or that which, animates, also ANIMATER.
ANIMATOSanimatos n. Plural of animato.
ANIMATO n. (Italian) a passage to be played in a lively manner.
ANIMISMSanimisms n. Plural of animism.
ANIMISM n. the attribution of a soul to natural objects and phenomena.
ANIMISTSanimists n. Plural of animist.
ANIMIST n. one who indulges in animism, the attribution of a living soul to plants, inanimate objects, and natural phenomena.
ANIMUSESanimuses n. Plural of animus.
ANIMUS n. (Latin) a usually prejudiced and often spiteful or malevolent ill will.
ANIRIDIAaniridia n. A rare congenital condition characterized by the underdevelopment of the iris of the eye.
ANIRIDIA n. a congenital condition in which the eye is incompletely formed.
ANIRIDICaniridic adj. Lacking the iris of the eye; exhibiting aniridia.
ANIRIDIC adj. suffering from ANIRIDIA, a congenital condition in which the eye is incompletely formed.
ANISEEDSaniseeds n. Plural of aniseed.
ANISEED n. the dried fruit of anise; a cordial made from it.
ANISETTEanisette n. A French alcoholic liqueur flavored with anise.
ANISETTE n. (French) a cordial or liqueur flavored with anise seeds.
ANISOLESanisoles n. Plural of anisole.
ANISOLE n. a colourless liquid ether.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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