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List of 8-letter words beginning with

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There are 14 eight-letter words beginning with ALA

ALACHLORalachlor n. A particular chloroacetanilide herbicide.
ALACHLOR n. a type of herbicide.
ALACRITYalacrity n. Eagerness; liveliness; enthusiasm.
alacrity n. Promptness; speed.
ALACRITY n. cheerful promptness.
ALAIMENTALAIMENT n. an allayment, a lessening.
ALAMEDASalamedas n. Plural of alameda.
ALAMEDA n. (Spanish) a public walkway between rows of poplar trees.
ALAMODESalamodes n. Plural of alamode.
ALAMODE n. (French) a light glossy silk fabric.
ALANINESalanines n. Plural of alanine.
ALANINE n. an amino acid, also ALANIN.
ALANNAHSalannahs n. Plural of alannah.
ALANNAH n. (Irish) my child, a term of endearment used with one's child.
ALARMINGalarming v. Present participle of alarm.
alarming adj. Causing apprehension, fear or alarm; frightening.
ALARM v. to strike with fear.
ALARMISMalarmism n. The raising of needless alarms.
ALARMISM n. the practice of alarming others needlessly.
ALARMISTalarmist n. One who causes others to become alarmed without cause.
alarmist adj. Of or relating to causing others to become alarmed without cause.
ALARMIST n. one who alarms others needlessly.
ALARUMEDalarumed v. (Archaic, rare) simple past tense and past participle of alarum.
ALARUM v. (archaic) to alarm, also LARUM.
ALASTORSalastors n. Plural of alastor.
ALASTOR n. (Greek) an avenging deity in Greek tragedy.
ALASTRIMalastrim n. (Medicine) A milder variant of smallpox.
ALASTRIM n. (Portuguese) a mild form of smallpox.
ALATIONSalations n. Plural of alation.
ALATION n. the state of having wings.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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