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There are 18 eight-letter words beginning with AGE

AGEDNESSagedness n. The state or quality of being aged.
AGEDNESS n. the state of being aged.
AGELASTSagelasts n. Plural of agelast.
AGELAST n. (Greek) someone who never laughs.
AGEMATESagemates n. Plural of agemate.
age-mates n. Plural of age-mate.
AGEMATE n. a person of the same age as another.
AGENCIESagencies n. Plural of agency.
AGENCY n. an organization that does business for others.
AGENDUMSagendums n. Plural of agendum.
AGENDUM n. (Latin) an item on an agenda.
AGENESESageneses n. Plural of agenesis.
AGENESIS n. absence or imperfection of a bodily part, also AGENESIA.
AGENESIAagenesia n. Agenesis.
AGENESIA n. absence or imperfection of a bodily part, also AGENESIS.
AGENESISagenesis n. (Pathology) Any imperfect development of the body, or any anomaly of organization.
AGENESIS n. absence or imperfection of a bodily part, also AGENESIA.
AGENETICagenetic adj. Not genetic; that does not have a genetic cause.
AGENETIC adj. relating to agenesis, imperfect development of bodily parts.
AGENISEDAGENISE v. to treat flour with agene, also AGENIZE.
AGENISESAGENISE v. to treat flour with agene, also AGENIZE.
AGENIZEDagenized adj. Treated with agene.
AGENIZE v. to treat flour with agene, also AGENISE.
AGENIZESAGENIZE v. to treat flour with agene, also AGENISE.
AGENTIALagential adj. Of or pertaining to an agent or an agency.
AGENTIAL adj. pertaining to an agent.
AGENTINGagenting n. Working as an agent (one who acts for another).
AGENTING n. the business of an agent.
AGENTIVEagentive adj. (Linguistics) Indicating an agent or agency (as -er in lexicographer).
agentive adj. (Linguistics) Pertaining to a grammatical agent that performs the action of the verb.
agentive n. (Linguistics) A word having an agentive construction.
AGERATUMageratum n. Any of the genus Ageratum of tropical American herbs, annuals and perennials, from the sunflower family…
AGERATUM n. a flowering tropical plant.
AGEUSIASageusias n. Plural of ageusia.
AGEUSIA n. lack of a sense of taste.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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