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List of 8-letter words beginning with

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There are 15 eight-letter words beginning with ADE

ADEEMINGadeeming v. Present participle of adeem.
ADEEM v. to cancel a bequest by destruction of the thing bequeathed.
ADELGIDSadelgids n. Plural of adelgid.
ADELGID n. a kind of small insect related to the aphids.
ADENINESadenines n. Plural of adenine (multiple adenine molecules).
ADENINE n. one of the four bases in DNA.
ADENITISadenitis n. (Medicine, pathology) Glandular inflammation.
ADENITIS n. inflammation of glands.
ADENOIDSadenoids n. Plural of adenoid.
ADENOID n. glandular tissue at the back of the nose.
ADENOMASadenomas n. Plural of adenoma.
ADENOMA n. (Greek) a tumor of glandular origin.
ADENOSESadenoses n. Plural of adenosis.
ADENOSIS n. abnormal growth of glandular tissue.
ADENOSISadenosis n. (Medicine) Benign swelling, scarring or enlargement of the lymph glands; a minor, low-risk glandular condition.
ADENOSIS n. abnormal growth of glandular tissue.
ADENYLICadenylic adj. Of or pertaining to adenylic acid or its derivatives.
ADENYLIC adj. as in adenylic acid, a component of DNA.
ADEPTESTadeptest adj. (Archaic) superlative form of adept: most adept.
ADEPT adj. highly skilled.
ADEQUACYadequacy n. The quality of being sufficient, adequate or able to meet the needs.
ADEQUACY n. the state of sufficiency.
ADEQUATEadequate adj. Equal to or fulfilling some requirement.
adequate det. A sufficient amount of; enough.
adequate v. (Obsolete) To equalize; to make adequate.
ADERMINSADERMIN n. a former name of pyridoxine, a member of the vitamin B complex.
ADESPOTAadespota n. (Bibliography) Literary works not attributed to (or claimed by) an author. (Originally used as a title…
ADESPOTA n. (Greek) anonymous works.
ADESSIVEadessive adj. (Grammar) of or relating to the grammatical case that in some languages indicates adjacent location.
adessive n. (Grammar) the adessive case, or a word in that case.
ADESSIVE n. a grammatical case indicating place where or proximity to.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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