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List of 8-letter words beginning with

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There are 14 eight-letter words beginning with ACI

ACICULAEaciculae n. Plural of acicula.
ACICULA n. (Latin) a needlelike bristle or spine.
ACICULARacicular adj. Needle-shaped; slender like a needle or bristle.
acicular adj. Having sharp points like needles.
acicular adj. (Botany) Of a leaf, slender and pointed, needle-like.
ACICULASaciculas n. Plural of acicula.
ACICULA n. (Latin) a needlelike bristle or spine.
ACICULUMaciculum n. (Botany, zoology) A needlelike spine or bristle, specially the seta of an annelid.
ACICULUM n. (Latin) a bristlelike part.
ACIDEMIAacidemia n. Alternative form of acidaemia.
ACIDEMIA n. a condition of increased acidity of the blood.
ACIDHEADacidhead n. (Slang, derogatory) A person who uses the hallucinogenic drug LSD.
ACIDHEAD n. a person who takes hallucinogenic drugs.
ACIDIESTacidiest adj. Superlative form of acidy: most acidy.
ACIDY adj. resembling acid, sour.
ACIDNESSacidness n. Acidity, sourness.
ACIDNESS n. acidity; sourness.
ACIDOSESacidoses n. Plural of acidosis.
ACIDOSIS n. the presence of abnormal acid in the blood.
ACIDOSISacidosis n. (Pathology) An abnormally increased acidity of the blood.
ACIDOSIS n. the presence of abnormal acid in the blood.
ACIDOTICacidotic adj. (Pathology) Having depressed alkalinity of blood or tissue.
ACIDOTIC adj. pertaining to an abnormal blood acid.
ACIDURIAaciduria n. (Medicine) The presence of an acid in the urine.
ACIDURIA n. excessive acid in the urine.
ACIERAGEacierage n. (Historical) The process of electroplating a copper engraving with iron or steel.
ACIERAGE n. (French) the covering of a metal plate with an iron film.
ACIERATEacierate v. (Rare, transitive) To convert (iron) into steel, or to coat with a layer of steel by converting only…
ACIERATE v. to turn into steel.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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