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There are 14 seven-letter words beginning with AUR

AURALLYaurally adv. Pertaining to sound or the ear; via or through the sense of hearing.
AURALLY adv. like an ear.
AURATEDaurated adj. Having or resembling ears.
aurated adj. Resembling or containing gold; gold-coloured; gilded.
aurated adj. (Chemistry) Combined with auric acid or some other compound of gold.
AURATESaurates n. Plural of aurate.
AURATE n. a salt derived from auric acid.
AUREATEaureate adj. Golden in color or shine.
aureate adj. (Rhetoric) Of language: characterized by the use of (excessively) ornamental or grandiose terms, often…
AUREATE adj. pertaining to the fancy or flowery words used by poets.
AUREITYaureity n. The particular property peculiar to gold; goldenness.
AUREITY n. properties of gold.
AURELIAaurelia n. (Entomology, archaic) The chrysalis of an insect, especially of a butterfly.
Aurelia prop.n. A female given name from Latin.
Aurelia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Ulmaridae – moon jellies.
AUREOLAaureola n. Radiance of luminous cloud that surrounds the figure in a painting of a sacred personage.
AUREOLA n. (Latin) a halo.
AUREOLEaureole n. A circle of light or halo around the head of a deity or a saint.
aureole n. (By extension) Any luminous or colored ring that encircles something.
aureole n. (Astronomy) A corona.
AURICLEauricle n. (Biology) Any appendage in the shape of an ear or earlobe.
auricle n. (Anatomy) Synonym of atrium.
AURICLE n. the outer projecting part of the ear; an upper cavity of the heart.
AURISTSaurists n. Plural of aurist.
AURIST n. a specialist on the ear and its diseases.
AUROCHSaurochs n. An extinct European mammal, Bos primigenius, the ancestor of domestic cattle.
aurochs n. (Zoology) The European bison (Bison bonasus, or Europæus).
aurochs n. Plural of auroch.
AURORAEaurorae n. Plural of aurora.
AURORA n. (Latin) a luminous atmospheric phenomenon.
AURORALauroral adj. Pertaining to the dawn; dawning, eastern, like a new beginning.
auroral adj. Rosy in colour.
auroral adj. Pertaining to the aurora borealis or aurora australis.
AURORASauroras n. Plural of aurora.
AURORA n. (Latin) a luminous atmospheric phenomenon.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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