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There are 15 seven-letter words beginning with ASC

ASCAREDascared adj. (Colloquial) scared; afraid.
ASCARED adv. afraid.
ASCARIDascarid n. Any phasmid nematode of the family Ascarididae (Ascaridae).
ASCARID n. any nematode worm of the parasitic genus Ascaris, infesting the small intestines, also ASCARIS.
ASCARISAscaris prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Ascarididae – intestinal roundworms affecting pigs and humans.
ASCARIS n. (Greek) any nematode worm of the parasitic genus Ascaris, infesting the small intestines, also ASCARID.
ASCAUNTascaunt adv. Obsolete form of askance.
ASCAUNT adv. (Shakespeare) slantways across, also ASCONCE, ASKANCE, ASKANT.
ASCENDSascends v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of ascend.
ASCEND v. to go or move upward.
ASCENTSascents n. Plural of ascent.
ASCENT n. a going up.
ASCESESasceses n. Plural of ascesis.
ASCESIS n. (Greek) the conduct of an ascetic, also ASKESIS.
ASCESISascesis n. (Rigorous) self-discipline, particularly as a religious observance; asceticism.
ascesis n. (Christianity, chiefly Eastern Orthodoxy and Catholicism, specifically) The praxis or "exercise" of…
ASCESIS n. (Greek) the conduct of an ascetic, also ASKESIS.
ASCETICascetic adj. Of or relating to ascetics.
ascetic adj. Characterized by rigorous self-denial or self-discipline; austere; abstinent; involving a withholding…
ascetic n. One who is devoted to the practice of self-denial, either through seclusion or stringent abstinence.
ASCIANSascians n. Plural of ascian.
ASCIAN n. an inhabitant of the torrid zone, shadowless when the sun is right overhead.
ASCIDIAascidia n. Plural of ascidium.
Ascidia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Ascidiidae – certain tunicates.
ASCIDIUM n. a pitcher-shaped, or flask-shaped, organ or appendage of a plant.
ASCITESascites n. (Medicine) An accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity, frequently symptomatic of liver disease.
ASCITES n. (Greek) dropsy of the abdomen.
ASCITICascitic adj. (Medicine) Of, pertaining to, or suffering from ascites.
ASCITIC adj. relating to dropsy of the abdomen.
ASCONCEASCONCE adv. (obsolete) askance, also ASCAUNT, ASKANCE, ASKANT.
ASCRIBEascribe v. (Transitive) To attribute a cause or characteristic to someone or something.
ascribe v. (Transitive) To attribute a book, painting or any work of art or literature to a writer or creator.
ascribe v. (Nonstandard, with to) To believe in or agree with; subscribe.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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