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There are 16 seven-letter words beginning with AMB

AMBAGESambages n. (Archaic) Indirect or roundabout ways of talking; circumlocution.
ambages n. (Archaic) Indirect or roundabout routes or directions.
AMBAGE n. (French) ambiguity.
AMBARISAMBARI n. (Urdu) a fibre-yielding plant of East Indies, also AMBARY.
AMBASSYambassy n. Obsolete form of embassy.
AMBASSY n. the offices of an ambassador, also EMBASSY.
AMBATCHambatch n. A large shrub or small tree found in and around water in the African tropics, Aeschynomene elaphroxylon…
ambatch n. (Countable) A raft made from bundles of the stems of this plant.
AMBATCH n. (Ethiopian) a spongy wood, often used for rafts, also AMBACH.
AMBEERSAMBEER n. the spittle produced when chewing tobacco.
AMBEREDambered v. Simple past tense and past participle of amber.
AMBERED adj. embedded in amber.
AMBIENTambient adj. Encompassing on all sides; surrounding; encircling; enveloping.
ambient adj. (Music) Evoking or creating an atmosphere: atmospheric.
ambient adj. Relating to, or suitable for, storage at room temperature.
AMBITTYambitty adj. (Glassmaking) Of glass: covered with stony speckles, symptoms of incipient devitrification.
AMBITTY adj. denoting glass which has become devitrified and brittle.
AMBLERSamblers n. Plural of ambler.
Amblers prop.n. Plural of Ambler.
AMBLER n. one who ambles.
AMBLINGambling v. Present participle of amble.
ambling n. The act of one who ambles.
AMBLING n. walking at a leisurely pace.
AMBOINAamboina n. Alternative form of amboyna.
AMBOINA n. a reddish-brown, curly-grained Moluccan wood, also AMBOYNA.
AMBONESambones n. Plural of ambo.
AMBO n. a pulpit in an early Christian church.
AMBOYNAamboyna n. A south-east Asian tree, Pterocarpus indicus.
amboyna n. The reddish, mottled or striped wood of this tree, used in cabinet-making.
Amboyna prop.n. Ambon Island, part of the Maluku Islands of Indonesia.
AMBRIESambries n. Plural of ambry.
AMBRY n. a cupboard for sacred vessels, also ALMERY, AMBERY, AUMBRY, AWMRIE, AWMRY.
AMBROIDAMBROID n. a synthetic amber, also AMBEROID.
AMBSACEambsace n. (Archaic) Two ones; the lowest throw at dice; a pair of aces.
ambsace n. (Archaic) Bad luck, worthlessness.
AMBSACE n. bad luck, also AMESACE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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