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There are 8 seven-letter words beginning with ADA

ADAGIALadagial adj. Pertaining to an adage; proverbial.
ADAGIAL adj. pertaining to an adage, proverbial.
ADAGIOSadagios n. Plural of adagio.
Adagios prop.n. Plural of Adagio.
ADAGIO n. a piece of music to be played slowly.
ADAMANTadamant adj. (Said of people and their conviction) Firm; unshakeable; unyielding; determined.
adamant adj. (Of an object) Very difficult to break, pierce, or cut.
adamant n. An imaginary rock or mineral of impenetrable hardness; a name given to the diamond and other substances…
ADAPTEDadapted v. Simple past tense and past participle of adapt.
adapted adj. Having been subject to an alteration or change to fit a different circumstance or medium.
ADAPT v. to make suitable.
ADAPTERadapter n. One who is capable of adapting to differing situations.
adapter n. One who adapts a thing, e.g. a play.
adapter n. A device or application used to achieve operative compatibility between devices that otherwise are incompatible.
ADAPTORadaptor n. Alternative form of adapter.
ADAPTOR n. something that adapts, also ADAPTER.
ADAWINGadawing v. Present participle of adaw.
ADAW v. (Spenser) to daunt, subdue.
ADAXIALadaxial adj. (Botany) On the side that is towards the axis or central line, usually on the upper side.
adaxial adj. (Developmental biology) adjacent to the axis, or in vertebrates the notochord.
ADAXIAL adj. next to the axis.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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