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There are 15 six-letter words beginning with ARR

ARRACKarrack n. An alcoholic drink distilled from coconut palm flowers in South Asia.
arrack n. An alcoholic drink made from sugar cane and fermented red rice in Indonesia.
arrack n. Alternative spelling of arak (aniseed-flavored alcoholic drink consumed primarily in the Middle East).
ARRANTarrant adj. (Chiefly with a negative connotation, dated) Complete; downright; utter.
arrant adj. (By extension, dated) Very bad; despicable.
arrant adj. Obsolete form of errant (“roving around; wandering”).
ARRAYSarrays n. Plural of array.
arrays v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of array.
ARRAY v. to place in order.
ARREARarrear adv. (Obsolete) Towards the rear, backwards.
arrear adv. (Obsolete) Behind time; overdue.
arrear n. Work to be done, obligation.
ARRECTarrect v. (Transitive, obsolete) To direct.
arrect v. (Transitive, obsolete) To impute.
arrect adj. (Obsolete) Lifted up; raised; erect.
ARRESTarrest n. A check, stop, an act or instance of arresting something.
arrest n. The condition of being stopped, standstill.
arrest n. (Law) The process of arresting a criminal, suspect etc.
ARRETSarrets n. Plural of arret.
arrêts n. Plural of arrêt.
ARRET n. (French) a decision; the judgment of a tribunal.
ARRIBAARRIBA interj. (Spanish) expressing pleasure, approval, or elation.
ARRIDEarride v. (Archaic, transitive) To please; to gratify.
ARRIDE v. (archaic) to please, to gratify.
ARRISHarrish n. Alternative form of earsh.
ARRISH n. (dialect) a stubble field, also ARISH.
ARRIVEarrive v. (Intransitive, copulative) To reach; to get to a certain place.
arrive v. (Intransitive) To obtain a level of success or fame; to succeed.
arrive v. (Intransitive) To come; said of time.
ARROBAarroba n. (Historical) A traditional Spanish unit of mass, varying by time, location, and substance but generally…
arroba n. (Historical) A traditional Portuguese unit of mass, usually equivalent to 14.7 kilograms.
arroba n. (Historical) A traditional Spanish unit of liquid measure, varying by time, location, and substance…
ARROWSarrows n. Plural of arrow.
arrows n. (Heraldry) Short darts feathered at the ends.
arrows v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of arrow.
ARROWYarrowy adj. Consisting of arrows.
arrowy adj. Formed or moving like, or in any respect resembling, an arrow; for example swift or slender or straight.
ARROWY adj. like an arrow, in shape, motion, etc.
ARROYOarroyo n. A dry creek or streambed, a gulch which temporarily or seasonally fills and flows (after sufficient rain).
arroyo n. Any watercourse; any rivulet (whether it flows year-round or only seasonally).
Arroyo prop.n. A surname from Spanish.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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