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There are 15 six-letter words beginning with ARC

ARCADEarcade n. (Architecture) A row of arches.
arcade n. (Architecture) A covered passage, usually with shops on both sides.
arcade n. An establishment that runs coin-operated games.
ARCANAarcana n. Specialized knowledge that is mysterious to the uninitiated.
arcana n. Plural of arcanum.
ARCANA n. either of the two divisions of a pack of tarot cards.
ARCANEarcane adj. Understood by only a few.
arcane adj. (By extension) Obscure, mysterious.
arcane adj. Requiring secret or mysterious knowledge to understand.
ARCHEDarched adj. Curved.
arched v. Simple past tense and past participle of arch.
ARCH v. to bend like a curved structure.
ARCHEIarchei n. Plural of archeus.
ARCHEUS n. an inner controlling spirit, also ARCHAEUS.
ARCHERarcher n. One who shoots an arrow from a bow or a bolt from a crossbow.
archer n. (Historical, obsolete) The bishop in chess.
archer adj. Comparative form of arch: more arch.
ARCHESarches n. Plural of arch.
arches v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of arch.
Arches prop.n. Arches National Park, a national park in Utah.
ARCHILarchil n. (Obsolete) Orchil, a violet dye obtained from several species of lichen (Roccella tinctoria, etc.)…
archil n. (Obsolete) The lichen from which the dye is obtained.
ARCHIL n. a red or violet dye, also ORCHEL, ORCHELLA, ORCHILLA, ORSEILLE.
ARCHLYarchly adv. In an arch manner; slyly.
ARCH adv. sly, mischievous.
ARCHONarchon n. A chief magistrate of ancient Athens.
archon n. A person who claims the right to rule, or to exercise power or sovereign authority over other human beings.
archon n. A ruler, head of state or other leader.
ARCINGarcing v. Present participle of arc.
arcing n. The shape or motion of something that arcs.
ARCING n. an electrical discharge, also ARCKING.
ARCKEDarcked v. Simple past tense and past participle of arc.
ARC v. to make an electric discharge.
ARCMINarcmin n. Abbreviation of arcminute.
ARCMIN n. an angular measure, one sixtieth of a degree.
ARCSECarcsec n. Abbreviation of arcsecond.
arcsec sym. (Mathematics) The symbol of the inverse secant, or arcsecant, function.
ARCSEC n. an angular measure, 1/3600 of a degree.
ARCTICarctic adj. Alternative letter-case form of Arctic.
arctic n. Alternative letter-case form of Arctic.
Arctic adj. (Astronomy, now only in compounds) Pertaining to the celestial north pole, or to the pole star.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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