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List of 10-letter words beginning with

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There are 13 ten-letter words beginning with ABR

ABRANCHIALabranchial adj. (Zoology) Lacking gills.
ABRANCHIAL adj. lacking gills, also ABRANCHIATE.
ABRASIVELYabrasively adv. In an abrasive manner; in a rude and unkind manner; acting in a way that may hurt other people’s feelings.
abrasively adv. Hardly; roughly; in a rough manner.
ABRASIVE adv. capable of grinding away another material.
ABREACTINGabreacting v. Present participle of abreact.
ABREACT v. to resolve a neurosis by reviving forgotten or repressed ideas of the event first causing it.
ABREACTIONabreaction n. (Psychoanalysis) The re-living of an experience with a view to purging its emotional dross.
ABREACTION n. the resolution of a neurosis by reviving forgotten or repressed ideas of the event first causing it.
ABREACTIVEabreactive adj. Capable of producing abreaction.
ABREACTIVE adj. relating to abreaction, the resolution of a neurosis by reviving forgotten or repressed ideas of the event first causing it.
ABRIDGABLEabridgable adj. Capable of being abridged.
ABRIDGABLE adj. that can abridged, also ABRIDGEABLE.
ABRIDGMENTabridgment n. (US) The act of abridging; reduction or deprivation.
abridgment n. (US) The state of being abridged or lessened.
abridgment n. (US) An epitome or compend, as of a book; a shortened or abridged form; an abbreviation.
ABROGATINGabrogating v. Present participle of abrogate.
ABROGATE v. to repeal (a law, custom, etc.); to abolish authoritatively or formally.
ABROGATIONabrogation n. The act of abrogating; a repeal by authority; abolition.
ABROGATION n. the act of abrogating, formally annulling.
ABROGATIVEabrogative adj. Tending or designed to abrogate.
ABROGATIVE adj. relating to annulment.
ABROGATORSabrogators n. Plural of abrogator.
ABROGATOR n. one who abrogates, abolishes authoritatively or formally.
ABRUPTIONSabruptions n. Plural of abruption.
ABRUPTION n. a sudden, violent separation.
ABRUPTNESSabruptness n. The state of being abrupt or broken.
abruptness n. Suddenness; unceremonious haste or vehemence.
ABRUPTNESS n. the quality of being abrupt.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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