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There are 10 three-letter words beginning with AR

ARBarb n. (Finance, trading) The act of or potential for arbitrage.
arb n. (Countable, finance, trading) One who engages in arbitrage; an arbitrageur.
arb n. (Countable, informal) An arboretum.
ARCarc n. (Astronomy) That part of a circle which a heavenly body appears to pass through as it moves above and…
arc n. (Geometry) A continuous part of the circumference of a circle (circular arc) or of another curve.
arc n. A curve, in general.
ARDard n. A simple plough consisting of a spike dragged through the soil.
Ard prop.n. A surname.
ARD n. Initialism of acid reflux disease.
AREare v. Second-person singular simple present of be.
are v. First-person plural simple present of be.
are v. Second-person plural simple present of be.
ARFarf interj. Representing the sound of a dog’s bark.
ARF n. Initialism of acute renal failure.
ARF n. (Electronics) Initialism of analog radio frequency.
ARKark n. A large box with a flat lid.
ark n. (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) Noah’s Ark: the ship built by Noah to save his family and a collection…
ark n. Something affording protection; safety, shelter, refuge.
ARMarm n. The portion of the upper human appendage, from the shoulder to the wrist and sometimes including the hand.
arm n. (Anatomy) The extended portion of the upper limb, from the shoulder to the elbow.
arm n. A limb, or locomotive or prehensile organ, of an invertebrate animal.
ARSars n. Plural of ar.
ARs n. Plural of AR.
ARS n. Initialism of acute radiation syndrome.
ARTart n. (Uncountable) The conscious production or arrangement of sounds, colours, forms, movements, or other…
art n. (Uncountable) The creative and emotional expression of mental imagery, such as visual, auditory, social, etc.
art n. (Countable) Skillful creative activity, usually with an aesthetic focus.
ARYary det. (UK, dialect) any.
Ary prop.n. A male given name from Hebrew, of Jewish usage, variant of Arieh.
Ary prop.n. A surname.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org.

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