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There are 8 three-letter words beginning with AI

AIAaia n. Alternative spelling of ayah.
AIA n. (Britain) Initialism of Associate of the Institute of Actuaries (professional qualification).
AIA sym. (International standards) ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code for Anguilla since 1985.
AIDaid n. (Uncountable) Help; assistance; succor, relief.
aid n. (Countable) A helper; an assistant.
aid n. (Countable) Something which helps; a material source of help.
AILail v. (Transitive) To cause to suffer; to trouble, afflict. (Now chiefly in interrogative or indefinite constructions.)
ail v. (Intransitive) To be ill; to suffer; to be troubled.
ail n. (Obsolete) An ailment; trouble; illness.
AIMaim n. The pointing of a weapon, as a gun, a dart, or an arrow, or object, in the line of direction with the…
aim n. The point intended to be hit, or object intended to be attained or affected.
aim n. Intention or goal.
AINain sym. (International standards) ISO 639-2 & ISO 639-3 language code for Ainu.
Ain prop.n. One of the départements of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France. Capital: Bourg-en-Bresse (INSEE code 01).
Ain prop.n. A river in France which flows from the Jura Mountains into the Rhône River.
AIRair n. (Uncountable, meteorology) The substance constituting Earth’s atmosphere, particularly…
air n. (Usually with the) The apparently open space above the ground which this substance fills, (historical)…
air n. A breeze; a gentle wind.
AISais n. Plural of ai.
Ais prop.n. Plural of Ai.
AIs n. Plural of AI.
AITait n. An island in a river, especially the River Thames in England.
ait n. (Scotland) An oat.
AIT n. (Pathology) Initialism of alloimmune thrombocytopenia: a too-low number of platelets in the blood, especially…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org.

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