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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 11 six-letter words containing U, V and Y

CURVEYCURVEY adj. curved, also CURVY.
DYVOURDYVOUR n. (Scots) a bankrupt.
KURVEYKURVEY v. (South African) to move goods by ox wagon.
PURVEYpurvey v. (Intransitive, obsolete) To prepare in advance (for or to do something); to plan, make provision.
purvey v. (Transitive) To furnish or provide.
purvey v. (Transitive) To procure; to get.
SCURVYscurvy n. (Pathology) A disease caused by insufficient intake of vitamin C, leading to the formation of livid…
scurvy adj. Covered or affected with scurf or scabs; scabby; scurfy; specifically, diseased with the scurvy.
scurvy adj. Contemptible, despicable, low, disgustingly mean.
SURVEYsurvey n. The act of surveying; a general view.
survey n. A particular view; an examination, especially an official examination, of a particular group of items…
survey n. The operation of finding the contour, dimensions, position, or other particulars of any part of the Earth’s surface.
UNGYVEungyve v. To unchain.
UNGYVE v. to remove the fetters from.
VAULTYvaulty adj. (Obsolete) Arched; concave.
VAULTY adj. (Shakespeare) like a vault.
VAUNTYvaunty adj. (Archaic) vaunting; boastful.
VAUNTY adj. boastful, also VAUNTIE, VAWNTIE.
VOGUEYvoguey adj. (Informal) fashionable.
VOGUEY adj. in vogue.
VOYEURvoyeur n. A person who derives sexual pleasure from secretly observing other people, especially when such people…
voyeur n. An obsessive observer of sensational or sordid subjects.
VOYEUR n. (French) one who seeks sexual gratification by viewing sexual objects.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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