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There are 12 four-letter words containing U and X

BRUXbrux v. To grind the teeth, especially involuntarily or during sleep.
BRUX v. to grind teeth together.
CRUXcrux n. The basic, central, or essential point or feature.
crux n. The critical or transitional moment or issue, a turning point.
crux n. A puzzle or difficulty.
DOUXdoux adj. (Wine) Sweet.
DOUX adj. (French) of champagne, very sweet.
EAUXEAU n. (French) a river or water.
EXULexul n. (Obsolete) An exile; a person who is exiled.
EXUL v. (Spenser) to exile.
FAUXfaux adj. Fake or artificial.
Faux prop.n. A surname.
FAUX adj. (French) fake, as in faux naif, falsely simple or naive, feigning artlessness.
FLUXflux n. The act of flowing; a continuous moving on or passing by, as of a flowing stream.
flux n. A state of ongoing change.
flux n. A chemical agent for cleaning metal prior to soldering or welding.
JEUXJEU n. (French) a game.
LUXEluxe n. Luxury.
LUXE adj. (French) luxurious, as in de luxe.
ROUXroux n. A mixture of fat (usually butter) and flour used to thicken sauces and stews.
ROUX n. (French) a thickening made of equal quantities of butter and flour mixed together.
ULEXUlex prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Fabaceae – gorse, thorny evergreen shrubs.
ULEX n. (Latin) any plant of the gorse genus Ulex.
YUNXYunx prop.n. Obsolete spelling of Jynx (taxonomic genus).
YUNX n. (Latin) the wryneck, also JYNX.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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