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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 15 six-letter words containing 3S and T

ASSETSassets n. Plural of asset.
assets n. (Finance) Any property or object of value that one possesses, usually considered as applicable to the…
assets n. (Accounting) The left side of a balance sheet.
ASSISTassist v. To help.
assist v. (Sports) To make a pass that leads directly towards scoring.
assist v. (Medicine) To help compensate for what is missing with the help of a medical technique or therapy.
ASSOTSassots v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of assot.
ASSOT v. to make a fool of.
SHISTSshists n. Plural of shist.
SHIST n. a type of metamorphic rock, also SCHIST.
SISTASsistas n. Plural of sista.
SISTA n. an African-American woman.
STASESstases n. Plural of stasis.
STASIS n. a stoppage of the normal flow of bodily fluids.
STASISstasis n. (Pathology) A slackening or arrest of the blood current, due not to a lessening of the heart’s beat…
stasis n. (Figurative) Inactivity; a freezing, or state of motionlessness.
stasis n. (Science fiction) A technology allowing something to be artificially frozen in time, so that it does…
STRASSstrass n. A rhinestone, brilliant glass used in the manufacture of artificial paste gemstones, consisting essentially…
STRASS n. (German) a paste for making false gems.
STRESSstress n. (Biology) A physical, chemical, infective agent aggressing an organism.
stress n. (Biology) Aggression toward an organism resulting in a response in an attempt to restore previous conditions.
stress n. (Countable, physics) The internal distribution of force across a small boundary per unit area of that…
TASSASTASSA n. (Hindi) a large Indian kettledrum, worn hanging round the neck.
TASSEStasses n. Plural of tasse.
TASSE n. in plate armour, one of a series of overlapping pieces forming a kind of skirt, also TACE, TASLET, TASSET.
TASSOSTASSO n. spicy cured pork.
TOSSEStosses n. Plural of toss.
tosses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of toss.
TOSS v. to throw lightly.
TUSSESTUSSIS n. (Latin) a cough.
TUSSIStussis n. A cough.
TUSSIS n. (Latin) a cough.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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