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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing S, T and 2V

ADVENTIVESadventives n. Plural of adventive.
ADVENTIVE n. a thing or person coming from outside.
DEVASTAVITdevastavit n. (Property law) Waste or misapplication of the assets of a deceased person by an executor or administrator;…
devastavit n. (Property law) In full, writ of devastavit: a writ issued against an executor or administrator claiming…
DEVASTAVIT n. waste or misapplication of the assets of a deceased person by an executor or an administrator.
INVECTIVESinvectives n. Plural of invective.
INVECTIVE n. an attack with words; abusive language.
OVERINVESToverinvest v. To invest an excessive amount.
PRIVATIVESprivatives n. Plural of privative.
PRIVATIVE n. a privative attribute, quality, proposition, or particle.
REVIVALISTrevivalist n. Someone who seeks to revive something.
revivalist n. (US) An evangelistic preacher.
revivalist adj. (US) Evangelistic.
UVAROVITESuvarovites n. Plural of uvarovite.
UVAROVITE n. (Russian) a green lime-chrome garnet.
VALVULITISvalvulitis n. (Pathology) Inflammation of a valve, especially a heart valve.
VALVULITIS n. inflammation of a valve, esp. a cardiac valve.
VASOACTIVEvasoactive adj. (Physiology, medicine) Active on vessel walls, that is, causing either constriction or dilation of a…
VASOACTIVE adj. affecting blood vessels.
VELVETEENSvelveteens n. Plural of velveteen.
VELVETEEN n. a kind of cloth, usually cotton, made in imitation of velvet.
VELVETIESTvelvetiest adj. Superlative form of velvety: most velvety.
VELVETY adj. having the plush of velvet.
VELVETINGSvelvetings n. Plural of velveting.
VELVETING n. velvet material.
VISITATIVEVISITATIVE adj. relating to visitation.
VIVACITIESvivacities n. Plural of vivacity.
VIVACITY n. the state of being vivacious, lively.
VIVIANITESvivianites n. Plural of vivianite.
VIVIANITE n. ferrous phosphate, blue by oxidation, often found coating fossil fishes and bones.
VIVIDITIESvividities n. Plural of vividity.
VIVIDITY n. the state of being vivid.
VIVISECTEDvivisected v. Simple past tense and past participle of vivisect.
VIVISECT v. to dissect the living body of.
VIVISECTORvivisector n. A practitioner of vivisection.
VIVISECTOR n. one who vivisects.
VOTIVENESSvotiveness n. The quality of being votive.
VOTIVENESS n. the state of being votive.
VULVITISESVULVITIS n. inflammation of the vulva.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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