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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 15 six-letter words containing 2S and Z

ASSIZEassize n. A session or inquiry made before a court or jury.
assize n. The verdict reached or pronouncement given by a panel of jurors.
assize n. An assembly of knights and other substantial men, with a bailiff or justice, in a certain place and…
SADZASSADZA n. a type of porridge made from maize flour.
SAZZESsazzes n. Plural of saz.
SAZ n. a stringed instrument of the Middle East.
SEAZESseazes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of seaze.
SEAZE v. (Spenser) to seize, also SEASE.
SEIZASSEIZA n. (Japanese) a kneeling position in Japanese martial arts.
SEIZESseizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of seize.
SEIZE v. to take hold of suddenly and forcibly, also SEISE.
SIZARSsizars n. Plural of sizar.
SIZAR n. a British student who receives financial assistance, also SIZER.
SIZELSsizels n. Plural of sizel.
SIZEL n. metal clippings; scrap metal, also SCISSEL, SCISSIL.
SIZERSsizers n. Plural of sizer.
Sizers prop.n. Plural of Sizer.
SIZER n. a student at Cambridge and Dublin, who, having passed a certain examination, is exempted from paying college fees and charges, also SIZAR.
SIZISMsizism n. Alternative form of sizeism.
SIZISM n. prejudice against people on account of their size, also SIZEISM.
SIZISTsizist n. One who is prejudiced against people based on their size.
SIZIST n. one who pays undue attention to size, also SIZEIST.
SMAZESsmazes n. Plural of smaze.
SMAZE n. an atmospheric mixture of smoke and haze.
SOZINSsozins n. Plural of sozin.
SOZIN n. a type of protein, also SOZINE.
ZOISMSZOISM n. the doctrine that life originates from a single vital principle.
ZOISTSzoists n. Plural of zoist.
ZOIST n. a person who maintains the doctrine of zoism, the doctrine that life originates from a single vital principle.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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