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There are 18 five-letter words containing S, U and V

ERUVSeruvs n. Plural of eruv.
ERUV n. (Hebrew) a designated region within which Jewish religious rules are relaxed.
FAVUSfavus n. (Medicine) A severe, chronic infection of ringworm.
favus n. A tile or flagstone cut into a hexagonal shape to produce a honeycomb pattern.
FAVUS n. (Latin) a fungal skin disease, chiefly of the scalp.
JUVESjuves n. Plural of juve.
JUVE n. (short for) a juvenile lead in the theatre.
NEVUSnevus n. (Anatomy) Any of a number of different, usually benign, pigmented, raised or otherwise abnormal lesions of the skin.
NEVUS n. (Latin) a birthmark, also NAEVE, NAEVUS.
SUAVEsuave adj. Charming, confident and elegant.
suave n. Sweet talk.
SUAVE adj. (French) sophisticated and smoothly affable.
ULVASulvas n. Plural of ulva.
ULVA n. (Latin) a genus of thin papery bright green seaweeds including the kinds called sea lettuce.
URVASurvas n. Plural of urva.
URVA n. (Nepali) the crab-eating mongoose of SE Asia.
UVEASuveas n. Plural of uvea.
UVEA n. the posterior pigment-bearing layer of the pupil of the eye.
VAGUSvagus n. (Roman Catholicism) A homeless person or vagrant.
vagus n. (Neuroanatomy) Ellipsis of vagus nerve..
VAGUS n. (Latin) the tenth and last cranial nerve, going to larynx and pharynx.
VARUSvarus n. A deformity in which the foot is turned inward.
varus n. Acne.
Varus prop.n. A Roman cognomen.
VATUSvatus n. Plural of vatu.
VATU n. a monetary unit of Vanuatu.
VAUTSvauts n. Plural of vaut.
VAUT v. (obsolete) to vault, also VAUTE, VAWTE.
VENUSvenus n. Any of the bivalve molluscs in the genus Venus or family Veneridae.
Venus prop.n. (Astronomy) The second planet in our solar system, named for the goddess; represented in astronomy and…
Venus prop.n. (Roman mythology) The goddess of love, beauty, fertility, and sexuality; the Roman counterpart of Aphrodite.
VIRUSvirus n. A submicroscopic, non-cellular structure consisting of a core of DNA or RNA surrounded by a protein…
virus n. (Uncountable) A quantity of such infectious agents.
virus n. (Informal, metonymically) A disease caused by such an infectious agent; a viral illness.
VROUSVROU n. (South African) a woman, esp. a married woman, also FROW, VROUW, VROW.
VUGGSvuggs n. Plural of vugg.
VUGG n. a small cavity in a rock, also VUG, VUGH.
VUGHSvughs n. Plural of vugh.
VUGH n. a small cavity in a rock, also VUG, VUGG.
VULNSvulns v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of vuln.
vulns n. Plural of vuln.
VULN v. to wound; pierce with a weapon.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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