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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 10 eight-letter words containing R and 3U

DURUKULIdurukuli n. Alternative form of douroucouli.
DURUKULI n. a small, nocturnal, South American monkey, also DOUROUCOULI.
FURCULUMfurculum n. (Anatomy) The wishbone or merrythought of birds, formed by the united clavicles.
FURCULUM n. (Latin) the jointed clavicles of a bird, aka wishbone, also FURCULA.
SUCURUJUsucuruju n. An anaconda.
SUCURUJU n. a South American Indian name for the anaconda.
SURCULUSsurculus n. A shoot from a rootstock; a sucker.
SURCULUS n. (Latin) a sucker.
SURUCUCUsurucucu n. A venomous pit viper, the bushmaster.
SURUCUCU n. a South American Indian name for the bushmaster snake.
SUSURRUSsusurrus n. (Literary) A whispering or rustling sound; a murmur.
SUSURRUS n. (Latin) a soft rustling sound.
TRUQUEURTRUQUEUR n. (French) one who engages in trucage, the faking of works of art.
TUBULUREtubulure n. (Chemistry) A short tubular opening at the top of a retort, or at the top or side of a bottle; a tubulation.
TUBULURE n. a short tubular opening.
USUFRUCTusufruct n. (Law) The legal right to use and derive profit or benefit from property that belongs to another person…
usufruct v. (Law, also figuratively) To use and derive profit or benefit from property that belongs to another person.
USUFRUCT n. the legal right of using and enjoying the fruits or profits of something belonging to another.
USURIOUSusurious adj. Of or pertaining to usury.
usurious adj. Exorbitant.
USURIOUS adj. practising usury, also USUROUS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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