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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 12 eight-letter words containing R, T and 2Y

BUTYRYLSbutyryls n. Plural of butyryl.
BUTYRYL n. a radical of butyric acid.
ENTRYWAYentryway n. An opening or hallway allowing entry into a structure.
ENTRYWAY n. a passage serving as an entrance.
EURYTHMYeurythmy n. The harmony of features and proportion in architecture.
eurythmy n. Graceful body movements to the rhythm of spoken words and music.
eurythmy n. (Medicine) Healthy, normal beating of the pulse; eurhythmia.
GYNIATRYgyniatry n. (Dated) The study of women’s diseases; gynecology.
GYNIATRY n. the treatment of women's diseases.
GYRATORYgyratory adj. Moving in a circle, or spirally; revolving; whirling around.
gyratory n. (UK) A large traffic roundabout with non-standard lane markings or priorities, or with buildings on…
GYRATORY adj. moving in a circle or spiral.
LYRATELYlyrately adv. In a lyrate manner.
LYRATE adv. having the shape of a lyre, also LYRATED, LYRIFORM.
MARTYRLYmartyrly adj. Like a martyr; martyrish.
martyrly adv. (Obsolete, rare) In a way which befits or suggests a martyr.
MARTYRLY adj. resembling martyr.
SYMMETRYsymmetry n. Exact correspondence on either side of a dividing line, plane, center or axis.
symmetry n. The satisfying arrangement of a balanced distribution of the elements of a whole.
SYMMETRY n. exact correspondence between the opposite halves of a figure.
SYMPATRYsympatry n. (Biology) The use of the same (or overlapping) geographical areas, by populations of related species…
SYMPATRY n. the state of occupying an area without loss of identity from interbreeding.
SYNASTRYsynastry n. (Astrology) concurrence of the position or influence of stars.
synastry n. (By extension) similarity of condition, fortune, etc., as prefigured by astrological calculation.
SYNASTRY n. coincidence of stellar influences.
TAYBERRYtayberry n. A cultivated shrub of the genus Rubus fruticosus x idaeus, a cross between the blackberry (R. fruiticosus)…
tayberry n. Its fruit, a large sweet berry.
TAYBERRY n. a hybrid plant, a blackberry crossed with a raspberry.
TRYINGLYtryingly adv. In a trying manner.
TRYING adv. demanding, annoying.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 40 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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