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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 12 seven-letter words containing R, S, U and X

ARUSPEXaruspex n. Alternative form of haruspex.
ARUSPEX n. (Latin) a person who inspected the entrails of sacrificial victims in order to foretell the future, also HARUSPEX.
BRUXISMbruxism n. (Dentistry) The habit or practice of grinding the teeth, as while sleeping, or due to stress or certain drugs.
BRUXISM n. a nervous grinding of the teeth.
EXCURSEexcurse v. To journey or pass through.
excurse v. To digress.
EXCURSE v. (archaic) to digress.
EXCUSERexcuser n. One who offers excuses or pleads in extenuation of the fault of another.
excuser n. One who excuses or forgives another.
EXCUSER n. one who excuses.
FIXURESfixures n. Plural of fixure.
FIXURE n. (Shakespeare) stability, firmness.
LUREXESLUREX n. (tradename) a thin glittery thread.
MUREXESmurexes n. Plural of murex.
MUREX n. (Latin) a genus of shellfish, yielding a purple dye.
RESEAUXréseaux n. Plural of réseau.
RESEAU n. (French) a filter screen for making colour films.
SEXTUORsextuor n. (Music) A sextet.
SEXTUOR n. a group of six, also SEXTET, SEXTETTE.
URBEXESURBEX n. (short for) urban exploration, a recreational activity in which people explore derelict urban structures such as abandoned sewers or underground railways.
URTEXTSurtexts n. Plural of urtext.
ur-texts n. Plural of ur-text.
Ur-texts n. Plural of Ur-text.
XERUSESXERUS n. an African ground squirrel.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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