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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 18 seven-letter words containing R, S, T and Z

BORTZESBortzes prop.n. Plural of Bortz.
BORTZ n. (Dutch) diamond dust or fragments, also BOART, BORT.
CZARISTczarist n. Alternative spelling of tsarist.
CZARIST n. a supporter of tsarism, also TSARIST, TZARIST.
FRITZESfritzes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of fritz.
Fritzes n. Plural of Fritz.
FRITZ v. (of an appliance, etc.) to become broken or start malfunctioning.
GUTZERSGUTZER n. a greedy person, also GUTSER.
HERTZEShertzes n. Plural of hertz.
HERTZ n. a unit of electromagnetic frequency.
PATZERSpatzers n. Plural of patzer.
PATZER n. (German) an inept chess player, also POTZER.
POTZERSpotzers n. Plural of potzer.
POTZER n. (German) an inept chess player, also PATZER.
SELTZERseltzer n. Ellipsis of seltzer water.; carbonated water, often for use in mixing with alcohol, cordials, and juices.
Seltzer prop.n. A surname from German.
SELTZER n. (German) naturally effervescent mineral water; artificially carbonated water.
SPRITZYspritzy adj. Alternative form of spritzig (“of wine: lightly sparkling”).
spritzy adj. Light and effervescent.
SPRITZY adj. emitting a spray.
STARETZstaretz n. Alternative form of starets.
STARETZ n. (Russian) an Eastern Orthodox spiritual advisor, also STARETS.
STOOZERstoozer n. A person who makes a profit by stoozing.
STOOZER n. one who stoozes.
TARZANSTarzans n. Plural of Tarzan.
TARZAN n. a person of superior strength and agility.
TZARISMtzarism n. Alternative spelling of tsarism.
TZARISM n. government by a tsar, also CZARISM, TSARISM.
TZARISTtzarist n. Alternative spelling of tsarist.
TZARIST n. a supporter of tsarism, also CZARIST, TSARIST.
ZESTERSzesters n. Plural of zester.
ZESTER n. a utensil for peeling citrus rind.
ZESTIERzestier adj. Comparative form of zesty: more zesty.
ZESTY adj. full of zest.
ZITHERSzithers n. Plural of zither.
ZITHER n. (German) a stringed instrument, also ZITHERN.
ZOSTERSzosters n. Plural of zoster.
ZOSTER n. (Greek) an ancient Greek waistbelt for men.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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