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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 16 six-letter words containing R, S, W and Y

BROWSYbrowsy adj. (Archaic) Of an animal: having shaggy or bushy fur or hair.
browsy adj. Covered in vegetation suited for animals to browse; consisting of such vegetation; shrubby, bushy.
browsy adj. Characterized by, or suitable for, casual reading or browsing.
DROWSYdrowsy adj. Inclined to drowse; heavy with sleepiness.
drowsy adj. Causing someone to fall sleep or feel sleepy; lulling; soporific.
drowsy adj. Boring.
FROWSYfrowsy adj. Having a dingy, neglected, and scruffy appearance.
FROWSY adj. fusty, stuffy, also FROUZY, FROWSTY, FROWZY.
PSYWARpsywar n. Psychological warfare.
PSYWAR n. (short for) psychological warfare.
SAWYERsawyer n. One who saws timber, especially in a sawpit.
sawyer n. (US) A large trunk of a tree brought down by the force of a river’s current.
sawyer n. A beetle, mostly in the genus Monochamus, that lives and feeds on trees, including timber.
SCREWYscrewy adj. (Informal) Crazy; silly; ridiculous.
screwy adj. (Archaic, informal) Tipsy; slightly drunk.
screwy adj. (Archaic) Exacting; extortionate; close.
STRAWYstrawy adj. Made of straw.
strawy adj. Similar to straw.
STRAWY adj. resembling straw.
SWARDYswardy adj. (Archaic) Covered with sward or grass.
SWARDY adj. covered with turf.
SWARTYswarty adj. Swarthy; tawny.
SWARTY adj. (obsolete) black, dusky, also SWART, SWARTHY.
SWAYERswayer n. One who or that which sways something.
SWAYER n. one who sways.
SWEARYsweary adj. (Informal) Inclined to swear; characterised by bad language.
SWEARY adj. relating to, containing or inclined to use swearwords.
SWIRLYswirly adj. Having swirls; swirling.
swirly n. Alternative form of swirlie.
SWIRLY adj. swirling.
TWYERStwyers n. Plural of twyer.
TWYER n. a pipe through which air is forced into a blast furnace, also TUYERE, TUYER, TWEER, TWIER, TWYERE.
WASTRYwastry n. (Scotland, Northern England) Extravagance, wastefulness.
wastry adj. Wasteful, extravagant.
WASTRY n. reckless extravagance, also WASTERIE, WASTERY, WASTRIE.
WRISTYwristy adj. Characterised by marked or exaggerated movement of the wrist; involving deft wrist movements.
wristy n. (Slang) A handjob.
WRISTY adj. making extensive use of the wrists.
WRYESTwryest adj. Superlative form of wry: most wry.
WRY adj. twisted.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 42 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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