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There are 13 six-letter words containing 2R and 2T

RATTERratter n. Anything which catches rats, especially a dog trained to catch them; a rat terrier.
ratter n. One who rats; a traitor; a deserter.
ratter n. A pirate miner, a miner who digs out ore or paydirt clandestinely and runs.
RETORTretort n. A sharp or witty reply, or one which turns an argument against its originator; a comeback.
retort v. To say something sharp or witty in answer to a remark or accusation.
retort v. To make a remark which reverses an argument upon its originator; to return, as an argument, accusation…
RITTERritter n. Knight.
RITTER n. (German) a German or Austrian knight or mounted warrior.
ROTTERrotter n. A despicable, worthless person.
rotter n. (Britain, slang) A scoundrel.
Rotter prop.n. A surname.
RUTTERrutter n. (Historical) A horseman or cavalryman, especially a German one, associated with the wars of the 16th…
rutter n. (Historical) A set of instructions for navigating a course at sea; a pilot’s book or seaman’s guide.
rutter n. (Now chiefly Scotland) A tool used in peat cutting or for marking off ground.
TARTARtartar n. A red compound deposited during wine making; mostly potassium hydrogen tartrate — a source of cream of tartar.
tartar n. A hard yellow deposit on the teeth, formed from dental plaque.
tartar n. (Dated) A fearsome or angrily violent person.
TARTERtarter adj. Comparative form of tart: more tart.
Tarter prop.n. A surname.
TART adj. sharp tasting.
TERRETterret n. One of the rings on the top of the harness saddle, through which the reins pass.
TERRET n. a metal ring on a harness, also TERRIT.
TERRITterrit n. Alternative form of terret.
TERRIT n. a metal ring on a harness through which the reins pass, also TERRET, TORRET.
TIRRITTIRRIT n. (Shakespeare) Mistress Quickly's word for alarm, fright.
TORRETTORRET n. a metal ring on a harness through which the reins pass, also TERRET, TERRIT.
TRITERtriter adj. Comparative form of trite: more trite.
TRITE adj. banal, commonplace.
TURRETturret n. (Architecture) A little tower, frequently a merely ornamental structure at one of the corners of a building or castle.
turret n. (Historical, military) A siege tower; a movable building, of a square form, consisting of ten or even…
turret n. (Electronics) A tower-like solder post on a turret board (a circuit board with posts instead of holes).

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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