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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 11 twelve-letter words containing 4R

CARRYFORWARDcarryforward n. (Accounting, taxation) An income tax loss or credit not usable in the current year that can be applied…
carry␣forward v. (Idiomatic, accounting, of a balance) To transfer to a new page, column, ledger, or similar entity.
carry␣forward v. (Idiomatic, accounting, of an operating loss or other legal credit) To apply to the taxable income of…
CORROBORATORcorroborator n. One who corroborates, or verifies something; one who lends credence by upholding another’s story.
CORROBORATOR n. one who corroborates.
REFRIGERATORrefrigerator n. A household appliance used for keeping food fresh by refrigeration (short form fridge).
refrigerator n. A similar device used to keep non-food items cold, such as blood, photographic film, drugs, or pharmaceuticals…
refrigerator n. One who has a chilling influence.
REPROGRAPHERreprographer n. One who carries out reprography.
REPROGRAPHER n. one who practises reprography.
RESURRECTORSresurrectors n. Plural of resurrector.
RESURRECTOR n. one who resurrects.
REVERBERATORreverberator n. Agent noun of reverberate; one who reverberates.
REVERBERATOR n. something that reverberates.
SPEARCARRIERspear-carrier n. Alternative form of spear carrier.
spear␣carrier n. (Acting) A person in a play or movie with a minimal part; an extra.
spear␣carrier n. (Idiomatic, by extension) One who serves in a subordinate or menial role.
SUPERCARRIERsupercarrier n. (Informal) The largest type of aircraft carrier, usually displacing over 70,000 long tons.
SUPERCARRIER n. a large aircraft carrier.
SURRENDERERSsurrenderers n. Plural of surrenderer.
SURRENDERER n. one who surrenders, also SURRENDEROR.
SURRENDERORSsurrenderors n. Plural of surrenderor.
SURRENDEROR n. one who surrenders, also SURRENDERER.
TRANSFERRERStransferrers n. Plural of transferrer.
TRANSFERRER n. one who transfers.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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