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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 9 ten-letter words containing Q, R, U and Z

EQUALIZERSequalizers n. Plural of equalizer.
EQUALIZER n. a goal that equalises, also EQUALISER.
LIQUIDIZERliquidizer n. (Australia, India, UK) A machine to chop or puree food; a blender.
LIQUIDIZER n. a device for liquidising, also LIQUIDISER.
QUANTIZERSquantizers n. Plural of quantizer.
QUANTIZER n. one who quantizes, expresses in terms of quanta, also QUANTISER.
QUARTZIESTquartziest adj. Superlative form of quartzy: most quartzy.
QUARTZY adj. like quartz.
QUARTZITESquartzites n. Plural of quartzite.
QUARTZITE n. a metamorphosed sandstone.
QUARTZITICquartzitic adj. Of, relating to, or containing quartzite.
QUARTZITIC adj. of or like quartzite.
QUATORZAINquatorzain n. A poem or stanza consisting of fourteen lines.
QUATORZAIN n. a poem of fourteen lines; a sonnet.
QUIZMASTERquizmaster n. A person who poses questions to contestants on a quiz show.
QUIZMASTER n. one who puts the questions to contestants in a quiz show.
QUIZZERIESquizzeries n. Plural of quizzery.
QUIZZERY n. the act of interrogation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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