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There are 20 words containing P, R, S, 3T and Y

PUTTYROOTSputtyroots n. Plural of puttyroot.
PUTTYROOT n. an American orchidaceous plant which flowers in early summer.
TYPESETTERtypesetter n. (Historical) A person who sets type; an employee in a printshop who manually selected pieces of movable…
typesetter n. (Historical) A machine that combines type in the correct order for printing.
TYPESETTER n. one whose job is to set type.
TYROPITTASTYROPITTA n. (Modern Greek) a Greek cheese pie, also TYROPITA.
TYPESETTERStypesetters n. Plural of typesetter.
TYPESETTER n. one whose job is to set type.
STEREOTYPISTstereotypist n. One who makes stereotype plates, or works in a stereotype foundry.
STEREOTYPIST n. one who makes stereotypes.
CRYPTESTHETICCRYPTESTHETIC adj. of or relating to cryptesthesia, also CRYPTAESTHETIC.
ELECTROTYPISTelectrotypist n. One who produces electrotype plates.
ELECTROTYPIST n. one who does electrotyping.
PROSTATECTOMYprostatectomy n. (Surgery) The surgical removal of part or all of the prostate gland.
PROSTATECTOMY n. the surgical removal of the prostate gland.
PYROTARTRATESpyrotartrates n. Plural of pyrotartrate.
PYROTARTRATE n. a salt of tartaric acid.
STEREOTYPISTSstereotypists n. Plural of stereotypist.
STEREOTYPIST n. one who makes stereotypes.
STREPTOMYCETEstreptomycete n. Any bacterium of the family Streptomycetaceae.
STREPTOMYCETE n. any of a family of actinomycetes.
CRYPTAESTHETICCRYPTAESTHETIC adj. of or relating to supernormal perception, also CRYPTESTHETIC.
ELECTROTYPISTSelectrotypists n. Plural of electrotypist.
ELECTROTYPIST n. one who does electrotyping.
PHYTONUTRIENTSphytonutrients n. Plural of phytonutrient.
STREPTOMYCETESstreptomycetes n. Plural of streptomycete.
STREPTOMYCETE n. any of a family of actinomycetes.
CRYOPROTECTANTScryoprotectants n. Plural of cryoprotectant.
CRYOPROTECTANT n. a cryoprotective substance.
LITHONTHRYPTICSlithonthryptics n. Plural of lithonthryptic.
LITHONTHRYPTIC n. a medicine for dissolving kidney stones, also LITHONTRIPTIC, LITHOTRIPTIC.
PHOTOTYPESETTERphototypesetter n. A machine used in phototypesetting.
phototypesetter n. One who phototypesets for their work.
PHOTOTYPESETTER n. one who does phototypesetting.
POSTSTIMULATORYpoststimulatory adj. After stimulation.
POSTSTIMULATORY adj. following stimulation.
TELETYPEWRITERSteletypewriters n. Plural of teletypewriter.
TELETYPEWRITER n. a printing device resembling a typewriter that is used to send and receive telephonic signals.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 567 words
  • Scrabble in French: 27 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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